CIFE welcome
CIFE Overview 100% funded by industry 1988-2000 2000-2010 2010+ Building owners Design and construction companies Software and hardware vendors 1988-2000 Building Information Modeling (BIM) 2000-2010 Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) – project focus 2010+ Optimize Facility Performance Enterprise focus 2
Current success stories: Reports from 2012 CIFE Summer Program Designers/engineers: 30% reduction in project schedule (GPLA) 33% cost reduction (Sera) 328x increase in number of design versions (Arup) 99.99% reduction in design cycle time (Beck) Design-Builders: 48% reduction in man hours (Beck) 30% reduction in cost (NCC) >99% reduction in design batch size (GT) 85% reduction in effort to track supply chains (Optima) Builders: 95% reduction in field rework (DPR) 20% improvement in field productivity (DPR) 0% reduction in scope (DPR)
Professional VDC Certificate CIFE Current success Evidence-based management: metrics on organization and process performance Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO): Automated rapid generation of (thousands of) design alternatives “Big data” Professional VDC Certificate Program
Plus-Delta of Civil Engineering Provides fixed physical assets and wealth High global demand for infrastructure and housing Opportunity to impact global climate challenge significantly Low productivity compete with other ways to spend $ High energy use and rising energy costs Structural reliability << societal need (Chile) US Department of Commerce, compiled by P. Teicholz Persson, Sustainable City of Tomorrow: B01—Experiences of a Swedish Housing exposition Guilllermo Gomez, PUChile
The CIFE mission to be the world's premier academic research center for Virtual Design and Construction of Architecture - Engineering - Construction (AEC) industry projects. Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is the use of multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects, including the Product (i.e., facilities), Organization of the design - construction - operation team and Work Processes in order to support business objectives … … to support exceptionally reliable engineering and management processes to plan, design, construct and operate sustainable facilities
CIFE methods Entirely industry-funded Needs to simultaneously serve diverse constituents: (Industrial) sponsors (Academic) stakeholders: dean, faculty Students CIFE has a 25 year history Practice Research Education
Summary of CIFE role CIFE translational research gives practitioners the opportunity to identify, explore, develop and apply new methods that have great potential value … with low risk and (relatively) low cost Practice Research Education
4D+: 4D with analytics Enables: Multi-disciplinary teams to visualize construction of large (or small) projects and View multi-disciplinary predictions of value and costs Over time
Current success story: Multi-disciplinary design Optimization for AEC Flager: MDO Current success story: Multi-disciplinary design Optimization for AEC
Cloud-based multi-disciplinary design optimization Basbagill, Flager: MDO Cloud-based multi-disciplinary design optimization
Morkos: Space Constraint MDO Method Current success story: Schedule by exploring many “or” schedule options SCM schedule durations average 47% shorter than LOB
Big data example: data can be readily available; making sense can be hard Multi-Purpose Room Supply Air Temp., Cooling Coil Valve Position vs. OAT Multi-Purpose Room Supply Air Temp., Cooling Coil Valve Position vs. Time Constant value agrees with Building EQ pattern… but no data in warm weather Cooling coil and supply air temperature work together as expected (11/212009 from 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM) Cooling coil valve position open during cold weather Cooling coil valve position positively correlates with OAT Basbagill, Russell-Smith, Wise
VDC Certificate Program Big ideas: The VDC certificate program is the single most effective CIFE initiative in helping member organizations to get high value from adoption of VDC methods. It provides professional education to enable participants to: Understand basic theory and practice of VDC; Develop awareness of trends, potential results and issues in using VDC; Develop specific skills in collaborative use of VDC methods. Photo courtesy DPR
Good practice uses multiple VDC methods: DPR Process Metrics Target Costing Stuart Project Setup Need to go further than just the conceptual definition of an “integrated process” Need tangible references of a completely redefined process Prequalification process Define project organization Define deliverables by discipline Process to create a virtual organization Commitment from all parties to virtual organization Recognition that SD, DD, CD and CA are redefined Owner’s commitment from the very top Design Assist Process Virtual Building Tools Design the “Big Room” Virtual Company Big Room Collaborative Planning