Potential In-Class Essay Topics The American Civil War Potential In-Class Essay Topics
Essay Outline Clear introductory paragraph & thesis (3 main points) (3) Three structured body paragraphs with evidence to support thesis (3 points & proofs) (24) Concise conclusion paragraph that restates thesis (3 points restated) (3) Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, structure & flow.
Option #1 Robert E Lee’s surrender of the Southern forces at Appomattox indicated the end of the American Civil War. Considering key events and figures examined during out in-class presentations, which, in your opinion, were the main contributing factors that led to either A) the North’s victory or B) the South’s defeat?
Option #2 Many historians have speculated that the Civil War may have been avoided if the American War of Independence had effectively dealt with the slavery issue. Was the Civil War avoidable or inevitable; were the North and South doomed from the beginning to battle each other over slavery?
Option #3 Leadership, or lack there of, has been identified in several presentations as one of the major contributing factors that led to the outcome of the war. Examine two key figures and write a comparative essay which outlines both historical figures strengths, weaknesses, and their overall impact upon the outcome of the war.
Option #4 The main cause of the American Civil War has been heavily debated amongst historians. Was the primary concern of the war about preserving the Union or freeing the slaves?