Welcome to National Honor Society
Congratulations for making it into National Honor Society!
Please dress appropriately. Induction will be September 6th @ 6:30 pm In the theatre Arrive time 5:30-6:00 Please dress appropriately.
2018-2019 NHS Officers President – Ericka Torres Vice President – Salma Hainey Secretary – Carissa Cuevas Treasurer – Idaly Lujan Historian – Valeria Landeros Ways and Means – Kate Girvin & Iasaih Iturralde
Monthly meetings There are morning and afternoon meetings (G1009) Make sure you sign in every time you attend the meetings You will sign in to your assigned alpha sheet …. we'll get to that later Monthly meetings will inform you on point and community service opportunities
What is a sticker sheet? Your sticker sheet will allow you to keep track of your points and your community service hours You will turn in your sticker sheet in the Spring semester (usually in April) in order to prove you met the required points for the school year ( 150 points ) and your community service hours ( 30hrs ) Each alpha has a different color sticker sheet DO NOT LOSE YOUR STICKER SHEET !!! TAKE CARE OF IT LIKE A BABY !!!
What if you miss a meeting? You can get all the info and monthly meeting power points on the NHS web page ! Follow our twitter @AHS_NatHS Copies of the NHS Member Handbook is on our webpage. It is YOUR responsibility to read through and understand NHS policies. REMEMBER: You must maintain your overall GPA of 90+ , participate in NHS activities (member meetings), and earn your required community service hours each year.
Point opportunities this month Annual NHS picnic will be on September 8th at Loma Verde Park We will be partnering with Loma Verde Elementary’s NEHS organization. (The National Elementary Honor Society) Games and food! Homecoming next week! We will be decorating for homecoming and participating in the parade. Interested in joining us? Text your alpha officer!
Alphas! Get your phones out!
Salma Hainey (915) 433-1286 Alarcon – Degraff Your color is ORANGE
Carissa Cuevas (915)373-8115 Diaz – Granillo Your color is PURPLE
Valeria Landeros (915) 799-5382 Gutierrez – Molina Your color is PINK
Idaly Lujan (915)204-6923 Molina – Peterson Your color is YELLOW
Kate Girvin (915) 346-1401 Pina – Salazar Your color is GREEN
Isaiah Iturallde (915) 731-4071 Sangerhausen – Zuniga Your color is BLUE