Adobe Connect Audio Conference Setting You must follow this instructions if you need to record your sessions.
Set up and test your audio conference options From your Adobe Connect home page: Set up an Audio Provider (using participant’s code. Do not use leader’s code) Create Audio Profile From your meeting information page: 3. Select your audio profile from the list of available options Save your setting 4. Start your meeting to test your audio options
Click Here to Add/Edit your Audio Provider(s)
Click Here to Add a new Audio Provider
Enter all required information
Remember to Save when you’re done with this page! Edit Dial-in sequence for your Audio Provider. You must add 5 rows to this table.: Row #1: Select “Conference Number” and give it a label (CONUs, OCONUS etc.) Row #2: Delay (ms): 5000 Row #3: DTMS (use Participant Code) XXXXXX Row #4: Delay (ms): 5000 Row #5: DTMS (Add the # sign) Notes: Dial-in Sequence does not include outgoing dialing keys such as “99” or “97”.
Enter conference number
Click Here to Add all remaining rows Click Here to Add all remaining rows. When done, click on “Test Dial-in Steps”
Close this window and SAVE your Audio Provider info.
Go to your Profile page and click on “My Audio Profiles”
Click Here to Add a new Audio Profile
Select your desired provider form this droplist
Enter a Nickname/Label for this profile
Go to your Meeting Info and scroll down to the Audio Conference Settings section and select this option “Include this audio conference…” then select the desired item from the droplist. Then Save your meeting information. You may start your meeting now to test your audio setting.
Every time you start your meeting your will see this popup. Click “Start” if you want the audio from your phone to be included in the recording sessions. If you click “Cancel” now, your recording sessions will not include the audio from your phone line.
You will see this quick popup at the beginning of your meeting session.