Monday Edits Clara Barton is born on December 25, 1821. As an young adult, she become a teacher and, later, a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C. then the Civil War took her live in a very different direction. Clara travel to the front lines of battle as a nurse. In 1881, she would founded the American Red Cross. Since that time, the Red Cross has benn an active force in helping countless victim in there time of need.
Answer Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821. As a young adult, she became a teacher and, later, a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C. Then the Civil War took her life in a very different direction. Clara traveled to the front lines of battle as a nurse. In 1881, she would found [or "she founded"] the American Red Cross. Since that time, the Red Cross has been an active force in helping countless victims in their time of need.
Satchel Paige Timeline On copy paper you will create a timeline about Satchel Paige’s life. You must have a total of 10 events for his life: -Childhood/Early Life (birthdate/major events) -Teenage/Early 20’s (prior to Major Leagues) -Adult/Mid Life (Major Leagues/accomplishments) -End of Life (career after playing baseball/death) Add illustrations to your timeline and label each part.
Reader’s Theatre I will assign roles and we will do a Reader’s Theatre about segregation in baseball.
Compare/Contrast Read about Jackie Robinson and using your sources about Satchel Paige, create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the two baseball players. Things that are the same go in the middle. Jackie Robinson Satchel Paige
You find a wallet in the store with $100 in it You find a wallet in the store with $100 in it. The wallet has a license in it. What would you do? Why? © Presto Plans
Revise – 10 min. Trade your essay with a partner. Check for punctuation, spelling, repeated or missing words, and wording. Share out!
Color Code – 15 min. Identify the hook (green), BI (highlight), thesis statement (red), and 3 baby thesis statements (reasons-blue) in the introduction. Point/Introduce-topic sentence with thesis. RED Evidence-must have 2 pieces for each body paragraph. HIGHLIGHT Explain/Elaborate-tie back to your baby thesis. Explain how the evidence supports the thesis of your body paragraph. BLUE Link-connecting to the next paragraph. BLUE Conclusion-must have thesis (red), reasons (blue), and leave the reader thinking. Sum up your essay! Give 20 minutes to color code their writing.
Peer Grade – 60 min. Using the FSA rubric, self grade your paper. As you read your paper, make any necessary corrections and revisions. Identify a strength and target. Give yourself a final rating. (10 min.) Pass your paper to your teammates and have each teammate grade your paper using a different colored pencil or pen. Each teammate must identify a strength and target. (10 min. per paper) Write your final essay making corrections needed.
it relate to your life or What is the meaning of this quote? Do you agree? How does it relate to your life or the world? © Presto Plans
Final Essay Due! Rewrite your final essay. Staple and turn in the final essay with the rubric. They must both have your name. Holes go on the left. Keep the rough draft in your writing folder. Read a book when done. This should take about an hour.
Thursday Thoughts Adversity means difficulties or misfortunes. Satchel Paige overcame many adversities in his life. What adversity have you or someone you know overcome? Describe how you or the person you know overcame those adversities.
ReadWorks Test Read the text and answer the questions. Turn in only the questions with your name. Finish writing your final essay. Staple and turn in the final essay with the rubric. They must both have your name. Holes go on the left. Keep the rough draft in your writing folder. Read a book when done.
Find a novel to read to yourself. SILENT READING: Find a novel to read to yourself. © Presto Plans
Computers Type your essay on Vportal and send to me. Begin ThinkCERCA: Connections within a text lesson and quiz. -Complete the lesson before taking the quiz. -The quiz may be taken for a grade under reading. 2. Jackie Robinson CERCA set -You must complete steps 1-5 in order. -The quiz may be taken for a grade under reading. Read the questions carefully and go back in the text.