Success for all Students (through the promotion of high levels of learning for each student) Quality and Continuous Improvement
Welcome! Thank You! Where and What Time? TEACHNJ Act AchieveNJ Student Growth Objectives Overview Student Growth Percentile Overview Questions and Answers Closing RemarksPresident of FLEA
Thank You sss !!!
Teacher Recognition Award Winners : Forrest School Eileen Surovich Lyncrest School Sophia Bufis Milnes School Patricia Ward Radburn School Jennifer Dunn Warren Point Danielle Baczynski Westmoreland School Jennifer Romeo Memorial Middle School Eileen Eckel Thomas Jefferson Middle School Andrew Berninger Fair Lawn High School Michael Perrotta Thomas Edison School Michele Perino
Where and What Time? Tomorrows Schedule!
Forrest School… All Purpose Room Lyncrest School………………..Library Milnes……………………………..Media Center Radburn………………………..…Media Center Warren Point…………………….Media Center Westmoreland………………….Library Memorial…………………………Cafeteria 107 Thomas Jefferson……………..Cafeteria 102 High School………………………D Cafeteria
Tenure Reform ActSigned by Gov. 8/2012 Law Mandates statewide implementation of stronger, more rigorous evaluation systems starting in 2013/2014 school year First year teachers are paired with a mentor School Improvement Panel (ScIP)includes principal or designee, an assistant/vice principal, and a teacheroversee mentoring and evaluations, identify PD, conduct a mid-year evaluation of any teacher rated Ineffective or Partially Effective Corrective Action Plan (CAP)Ineffective/Partially Effectiveteacher works with Principal and/or Supervisor
Support Required training on the evaluation system School Improvement Panel (ScIP) leads mentoring, and identifies professional development opportunities for teachers in need Corrective Action Plan for Ineffective/Partially Effective rating Evaluation Implementation in Four levels of summative ratings Educator practice instruments used for multiple observations Multiple Objective Measures of student learning for teachers and administrators Tenure Teachers earn tenure after 4 years based on effectiveness Effective ratings required to maintain tenure Dismissal decisions decided by arbitrators
Elementary Debbie San Julian - Teacher, Milnes Maria Corso, Principal, Lyncrest Middle Gene Kuffel – Teacher, TJ; FLEA President Sherrie Galofaro, - Principal, TJ High Sue Gons – Teacher, FLHS Jim Marcella – Principal, FLHS Central Office: Bruce Watson, Superintendent Natalie Lacatena, Assistant Superintendent Lisa Panagia, Director of Human Resources Board of Education Mary Wallace, Trustee Special Education Joyce Beam, Director of Special Education Parents: Christina Strasser Christine Alfano Supervisor: Ron Mezzadri, Math Supervisor
General or Specific SGOs SGOs can be classified as general or specific. However, in some cases, the line between these is blurry. It is better to think of general and specific SGOs being on a continuum. General Specific Broad Includes a significant proportion of the curriculum and key standards for a given course Includes all, or a significant number, of a teachers students Focused Includes a particular subgroup of a teachers students, and/or Includes specific content or skill
God Bless you for the work you do each and every day for our students, this community, and this country. Have a Great Year! Bruce Watson, Superintendent Natalie Lacatena, Assistant Superintendent