COPQ Calculation Worksheet/Exercise Exec. Champion Workshop v1 COPQ Calculation Worksheet/Exercise Take a few minutes to think about some of these costs within Your organization Cost Types Cost Categories Design Engineering Purchasing Production Accounting Finance Quality Materials Sales and Marketing Other 1. Prevention: Inspection Training Procedure Development 2, Appraisal Test and Inspection Instrument Calibration Field Testing 3. Internal Failure Rework Scrap 4. External Failure Lost Customers Returns Recalls Field Services 5. Other Types of Waste Defects/Rework Overproduction Waiting Non-Utilized Talents/Skills Transportation Inventory Motion Extra Processing Benefit-Effort Matrix A new tool for scoring project opportunities to determine which ones to work…or work on first. Each project will have a total benefit score and total effort score Scores will be used to plot the projects on a matrix The position of the projects on the matrix will help us determine which ones should be worked first * Thank you to the thoughts of Jay Arthur and C.G. Mistry For some of the ideas in this matrix WMI - Internal Use Only