North Dakota “the peace Garden State” By Janine Warne
State flag
The Western Meadowlark is North Dakota’s state bird.
Nokota horse State Animal
State Fruit and beverage Milk Chokecherry
Northern pike State Fish
State Flower North Dakota’s state flower is the wild prairie rose.
Rivers and Lakes Missouri River Lake Ohe
The Facts Became a state: November 2, 1889 Region: Midwest State Capital: Bismarck Became a state: November 2, 1889 Region: Midwest Bordering states: South Dakota, Minnesota, and Montana Also borders Canada State Population: 672,591 [2010] Biggest city: Fargo / Population 105,549 [2013]
Famous citizens of north Dakota: Larry Woiwode: writer Phil D. Jackson: basketball player, coach
Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site Landmarks: Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site