Goals and objectives of Work package 2 of the ESSnet on Consistency of concepts and applied methods of business and trade-related statistics Norbert Rainer,


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Presentation transcript:

Goals and objectives of Work package 2 of the ESSnet on Consistency of concepts and applied methods of business and trade-related statistics Norbert Rainer, Statistics Austria Workshop Survey Frames and Feedback Gresham Hotel, Dublin, 23 and 25 April 2012

Content Consistency ESSnet on Consistency Work package 2 The issue of consistency European Statistics Code of Practice Requirements of consistency ESSnet on Consistency Work package 2 Main objectives Roles of the business register Survey frames, interaction and survey feedbacks

The issue of consistency European statistics are compiled in accordance with Community legislations, which has developed over years European legislation as well as concepts, manuals and hand-books “Costs” of inconsistencies: Lack of coherence/comparability Higher costs of statistical production Higher response burden How to increase consistency within the areas of business and between business statistics and trade statistics

European Statistics Code of Practice (1) Principle 14 of the European Statistics Code of Practice concern coherence and comparability (new version): “European Statistics are (old version: should be) consistent internally, over time and comparable between regions and countries; it is (old version: should be) possible to combine and make joint use of related data from different sources.”

European Statistics Code of Practice (2) Five indicators (new version) 14.1: Statistics are internally coherent and consistent 14.2: Statistics are comparable over a reasonable period of time 14.3: Statistics are compiled on the basis of common standards with respect to scope, definitions, units and classifications in the different surveys and sources 14.4: Statistics from the different sources and of different periodicity are compared and reconciled 14.5: Cross-national comparability of the data is ensured within the European Statistical System through periodical exchanges between the European Statistical System and other statistical systems. Methodological studies are carried out in close co- operation between the Member States and Eurostat

Requirements for consistency: Horizontal consistency: Comparability between various statistical domains Statistical units Target population Frame Classifications Definitions Reference period/time Vertical consistency: Comparability between the sum of Member States data and the European aggregate

Three Work packages Concepts Implementation in the MS Statistical units Target population Frames Reference period Classifications and their application Characteristics and definitions Implementation in the MS WP1 WP2 WP3 WP1+2+3

Organizational structure of ESSnet on Consistency Work packages Coordinator Partners Time schedule WP 1: Statistical Units IT AT, FR, IE, LV January 2011- December 2012 WP 2: Target population, frames, reference period, classifications and their applications AT DE, IE, IT, LT, LV, SE,UK January 2012- December 2013 WP 3: Characteristics and definitions SE CH, DE, EE, IE, GR, IT, SI, May 2012 – December 2013

External study “External study on detail evaluation of the legal acts in the areas of statistics which were identified by member states as areas to revision” by Josef Richter, Christian Engelage and Peter Thomas Submitted to Eurostat July 2010

Main objectives Inputs Main objectives External Study Inventory of the implementation of the concepts in the member states Eurostat and National experts Identification of inconsistencies Inquiry Evaluation and assessment of inconsistencies Study visits Workshops Proposals for adjustments Further: ° Cooperation with other ESSnets ° Dissemination

Roles of the Business register Link to administrative data Frame for statistical surveys Survey support Statistical database Other statistical use (e.g. business demography statistics) Survey documentation and response burden Documentation of classification codes Register cooperation w.o. statistical institutions Non-statistical uses statistik.at

Survey Frames and Feedback: Topic of the Workshop Survey Frames and Feedback: How the Business Register works with Survey Areas Business register as basis for sample frames Coordinated sampling Survey feedback

European legal situation Business register regulation Statistical domain regulations SBS FATS Energy FDI R&D etc. STS PRODCOM Job vacancy ICT Statistical business register Statistical units Variables Entries and removals at least annually Frequency of updating depending on kind of unit, etc. No reference to business register No specific frame requirements

“Running” versus frozen frames Sample for survey 1 Sample for survey 2 Sample for survey n live BR Sample for all surveys in year x live BR

Statistical business register Survey feedback Respondents Register maintenance Statistical business register Statistical domains SBS FATS Energy FDI R&D etc. STS PRODCOM Job vacancy ICT ? Name, address, legal form Economic activity Other variables Missing units Other feedback

Questions/issues How is the BR updated witch respect to survey requirements? How does the BR support survey execution? What are the advantages and disadvantages of frozen frames? What are alternatives to frozen frames? How are changes in the live register considered in the survey process? What type of feedback from surveys goes to BR and how is it organised? etc.

Thank you for your attention! Norbert Rainer Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1) 71128-7703 fax: +43 (1) 71128-7053 norbert.rainer@statistik.gv.at