The Issue of E-Waste
What happens to your old Cell Phone? Have you ever wondered where your old cell phone, PlayStation, mp3 player, or other gadget when after you discarded it? You may not know it, but a lot of our electronic waste, or e-waste, actually gets sent to other countries around the world and interestingly, a lot of it ends up back where it was produced. Where do a lot of our electronics come from? Why?
Guiyu, China Guiyu Guiyu, which made the Guinness Book of World Records in 2013 as the world's largest e-waste site. Back in 2005 more than 100 truckloads of e-waste were arriving there each day! The things that end up here in most cases either get recycled or (if useless) remain here, slowly polluting the people and environment around it The recycling process may not be what you think.
Following The Trail Of Toxic E Waste Produced by 60 Minutes
Exporting Harm: The High-Tech Trashing of Asia Produced by the Basel Action Network
Agbogbloshie: the world's largest e-waste dump Written by the British Newspaper The Guardian worlds-largest-e-waste-dump-in-pictures
The Story of Electronics Produced by The Story of Stuff Project
5 Solutions for a Kinder Cell Phone Produced by YES Magazine its-time-for-a-kind-phone/67verticalSweeneyGraphic.jpg