Crisp – Slowing The Gypsy Moth Poster GEO 426 – Final Project Crisp – Slowing The Gypsy Moth Poster
Pt. I Data Sources
The Base Layer Data Obtained States, Counties, Area Boundaries From Gypsy Moth Foundation website at :
The Thematic Data Information about trap placements is stored in a database at MSU in the lab that I work at Data is represented as x,y coordinate pairs and has numerical insect capture as the z Most recent data from 2007
How data was extracted select A.utm_east, A.utm_north,B.ZONE, A.state, A.county, A.usgs_code, A.grid, A.total_catch from gypsy.gm_historical A, gypsy.quad B where A.usgs_code = B.USGS_CODE and A.year=2007 and A.total_catch>-1 order by A.state
Created a surface from the dataset Brought the resulting delimited text into a shapefile Created a point coverage and converted to raster with IDW Searched 4 adjacent points within 1 KM radius because this is how the traps are laid out Result was my interpolated surface with catch total as the Z value
Pt. II Map Purpose
The Map Purpose My lab needs a poster displayed in the Nat. Sci Building to represent what we do. This is intended to be viewed by a general audience of students and faculty or staff It is intended as a map that tells a story and to be read as opposed to glanced over.
Pt. III Map Design
Moth Presence Borrowed idea of embedded hill shading to represent moth presence as ‘elevated’ trap capture Breaks at 10/30/100/300-1000 Accomplished this with an AML script to shade a tiff with the Z value of the Grid surface
Bringing it together with project activities Integrating with the existing data
The generally infested area Generally infested area represents no trapping, no actions. It a area where things are overrun Represented in solid gray-green A neutral color
The monitoring areas This is where traps delineate the leading edge of the insects spread Defines the action area 2 areas varied lightness of blue because order is implied primary - secondary
Action Area This is where treatment occurs on isolated colonies ahead of the expansion front Used lines and arrows to delineate and infer movement No solid continuous color – why?
Finishing Touches Questions? Added text ‘explainers’ to tell the story behind the project The legend is a quick story as opposed to only labels Counties are labeled because those are the smallest civil action units Questions?