Analysis of demographical and economical statistical data on the basis of a trans-national hierarchical grid Igor Kuzma Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ingrid Kaminger STATISTIK AUSTRIA
Hierarchical grid at STATISTIK AUSTRIA Main Projection system for statistical data on a hierarchical grid : Lambert Conformal Conic Seven different levels of grid cells – 10km, 5km, 2.5km, 1km, 500m, 250m, 125m Available data: Census 2001 (population, buildings, dwellings, employment Data protection threshold: All grids: absolute numbers are shown without restraint Grids 250m to 10km: more detailed data only if population > 30 houses, dwellings >3
Hierarchical grid at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Tendency to analyze and present statistical data on a hierarchical grid Six different size levels of grid cells – 10km, 5km, 1km, 500m, 250m, 100m Available population and economical statistical data The data protection threshold for presenting data on any level of a grid is 51 (committee for data protection)
Cooperation with Statistik Austria Spatial statistical data from the Census 2001 (Population, Buildings, Dwellings, Employment) are already available to their customers on different levels of a grid Similar general attitude towards the data protection The Slovene initiative for the project: Exchange of the data in the Region (Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia) Trans-boundary data analysis: Creation of a hierarchical grid (UTM projection, Zone 33, fixed point: 15°E, 5100km north of Equator) Harmonization of statistical data
Territorial Divisions Administrative Units unequal shapes unequal sizes Misinterpretation of data Grids regularly divisible equal size adaptable to the scale of the map "neutral" territorial division EUROSTAT DEFINITION: Densely populated area: contiguous set of local areas, each of which has a density >500 I/km² and where the total population for the set is at least 50.000 inhabitants. Intermediate area: contiguous set of local areas, not belonging to the densely populated area, each of which has a density >100 I/km², and either with a total population for the set of at least 50.000 inhabitants or adjacent to a densely populated area. Thinly populated area: contiguous set of local areas, neither belonging to a densely populated area nor to an intermediate area. --> Suggestion for the definition of densely populated areas on the basis of grids
Definition of densely populated areas based on LAU2 Units
Definition of densely populated areas based on 2.5km Grids
5% > young 5-10% mature 10-20% old 20% < very old Austria, Slovenia – Proportion of population above 65 (%), 2001, 2002 5% > young 5-10% mature 10-20% old 20% < very old
Austria, Slovenia – Total age dependency ratio (%), 2001, 2002
Austria, Slovenia – Sectoral employment, 2001
SLOVENIA: data protection Table1: % of suppressed data considering the data protection threshold 3 and 51
SLOVENIA: data protection 6,935 km2
SLOVENIA: data protection
SLOVENIA: data protection 0,051km2
SLOVENIA: data protection
Conclusions An example for other similar projects among MS A good starting point for the “Exchange of the data in the Region” project Groundwork for future cooperation: Education Nationality Higher accuracy (smaller grid, lower data protection threshold) Employees (sex) Education (sex) 500 m grid for border regions
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