The Biology of Language
Genes and Language Fox P2 Gene (Forkhead Box Protein P2) Located on Chromosome 7 Central in the development of the brain, heart, lungs and gut Does not directly affect language Regulates other genes Eg. CNTNAP2 associated with autism language deficiency Other animals have a form of FOX P2 Chimpanzees differ in 2 of 740 units of the gene Mice differ in 3 of 740 units Finches differ in 7 of 740 units Mutations in experimental mice show differences in vocalizations in those with a mutated FOX P2 Associated with song in birds, pattern learning in mice, and echo-location in bat FOX P2 appears more active in females than in males
The KE Family Association with language discovered in a single family in Britain, the KE family 15 members of extended family with “dyspraxia” –half with the same mutation of FOX P2
ASPM and Microcephalin (MCPH1) Genes and Language ASPM and Microcephalin (MCPH1) Both are involved in brain development and brain structure. Two versions that vary together of each of these genes in contemporary human populations One variation pair appears to be older than the other. The newer version of ASPM is traced back to 5800 years ago. The newer version of Microcephalin is traced back to 37,000 years ago. (Dan Dediu and Robert Ladd of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2007)
Tonal Language Example Mandarin Tone Use Word Intonation Meaning ba [/] to uproot ba [--] eight ba [\/] to hold ba [\] a harrow
When did language first appear in humans? ?????????
The Hyoid Bone Anchors the tongue through several muscles attached to bones in the mandible and The location of the hyoid bone allows the kind of movement of the tongue that allows the production of consonants in human language
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Genetic analysis of Neanderthal bone shows the presence of the FOX P2 gene in its modern human form. 350,000 years ago Fossil evidence of a fully human hyoid bone from 300,000 years ago at Kebara Cave in Israel.
Why Language?
Why Language?
Why Language?
Powerpoint Study Guide FOXP2 Gene ASPM Gene Microcephalin Gene Tonal Languages Hyoid Bone Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Social bonding Grooming Vocal grooming