November 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0834-01-0000 November 2016 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Liaison Report on 802.11 for November 2016] Date Submitted: [10, November, 2016 ] Source: [Al Petrick 802.11] Company [Jones-Petrick and Associates] Address [Orlando, Florida, 32832] Voice:[321-235-3269], FAX: [], E-Mail:[ ] Re: [Liaison Report on 802.11 for Nov, 2016] [If this is a response to a Call for Contributions, cite the name and date of the Call for Contributions to which this document responds, as well as the relevant item number in the Call for Contributions.] [Note: Contributions that are not responsive to this section of the template, and contributions which do not address the topic under which they are submitted, may be refused or consigned to the “General Contributions” area.] Abstract: [Liaison Report on 802.11 for November, 2016.] Purpose: [Informative] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information; they are required. This is a manual update in appropriate fields. All Blue fields are informational and are to be deleted. Black stays. After updating delete this box/paragraph. Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
802.11 Liaison Report Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Texas November 2016 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline May 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0483r0 November 2016 IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline 802.11 -2012 MAC 802.11 -2016 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11aq PAD 802.11ak GLK 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames 802.11ai FILS 802.11az NGP WNG WUR SG Wake-up Radio 802.11ax HEW 802.11ah < 1Ghz 802.11af TVWS 802.11ac VHT 5GHz 802.11ay NG60 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz 802.11aj CMMW MAC & PHY Discussion Topics Sponsor Ballot Published Amendment Published Standard TIG/Study groups TG without Approved draft WG Letter Ballot Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates 3 Page 3 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
802.11 Task Groups in Comment Resolution November 2016 802.11 Task Groups in Comment Resolution Task Group Ballot Draft Comments Resolved Plans Closing Report TGax InternalTG review D0.5 ----- Prepare D1.0 for 30-day WG LB planned in Dec 2016 16/1043 TGaq SB #1 7.0 235 145 Continue comment resolution in January 2017 16/1534r0 TGaj LB223 D3.0 21 ALL Prepare D3.0 for 15-day WG recirc LB 16/1536r0 TGak LB218 D2.0 12 Prepare D3.0 for 15-day WG recir LB 16/1305r6 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
802.11WNG (Wireless Next Generation) November 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0834-01-0000 November 2016 802.11WNG (Wireless Next Generation) Presentations reviewed “Privacy considerations for 802.11 networks”, Juan Carlos Zuniga (Sigfox), Mathieu Cunche (INSA – University of Lyon) “LiFi – light communication for 802.11”, Nikola Serafimovsky, (PureLiFi) Approved to from a TIG Closing report: 16/1540r0 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
WUR – SG (Wake-Up Receiver) November 2016 WUR – SG (Wake-Up Receiver) Completed updates to PAR / CSD for WG, EC and NesCom approval 4 presentations – PAR 1 presentation – CSD Reviewed 8 presentations OOK, Power Efficiency, Access Point discovery, WUR packet design, MAC procedures, and usage models Closing Report: 16/1543r1 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
802.11ay (Next Generation 60 GHz (20Gb/s) November 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0834-01-0000 November 2016 802.11ay (Next Generation 60 GHz (20Gb/s) 27 technical submissions Channel models, Specification Framework Document (SFD) Good progress on SFD Plans for January 2017 Begin work on draft D0.1 Closing report: 16/1505 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
802.11az (Next Generation Positioning) November 2016 802.11az (Next Generation Positioning) Reviewed and adopted text to Spec. Framework on protocol elementary stages: discovery, negotiation and measurement exchange Reviewed technical submissions on measurement exchange, negotiation and secured location Plans for January 2017 Review technical submissions: measurement phase approaches, negotiation phase, adaptation to 11ax MU mode and secured location schemes Closing report: 16/1548r0 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
Editor’s Projected Completion of 802.11 Amendments November 2016 Editor’s Projected Completion of 802.11 Amendments Amendment Number Task Group Projected REVCOM Date 802.11REVmc TGmc - 3648 Dec 2016 802.11-2016 Amendment 1 TGai - 170 802.11-2016 Amendment 2 TGah - 627 802.11-2016 Amendment 3 TGaq - 34 Mar 2017 802.11-2016 Amendment 4 TGaj - 288 Jul 2017 802.11-2016 Amendment 5 TGak - 86 Jan 2018 802.11-2016 Amendment 6 TGax - 317 Dec 2018 802.11-2016 Amendment 7 TGay Nov 2019 802.11-2016 Amendment 8 TGaz Mar 2020 Closing report: 16/1373r1 Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
Example: P802.11ax Contents (New Style) November 2016 Example: P802.11ax Contents (New Style) 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 4. General description 6. Layer management 8. PHY service specification 9. Frame formats 10. MAC sublayer functional description 11. MLME 17. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) PHY specification 25. High Efficiency (HE) MAC specification 26. High Efficiency (HE) PHY specification New Style Guide: 16/1472r1 Main change is addition of an HE MAC specification clause Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates
November 2016 Thank you !! Al Petrick, Jones-Petrick and Associates