Stakeholder Engagement EAPN EU Inclusion Strategies Group 13 EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Task Force Stakeholder Engagement Elke Vandermeerschen EAPN EU Inclusion Strategies Group 8 February 2014 Brussels EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE 1
EO's: Reka Tunyogi (Eurochild), Macej Kucharczyk (AGE-Platform), Members of the TF National Networks: Kalle Laane (EAPN EE), Isabel Allende (EAPN ES), Sonja Wallbom (EAPN SE), Natasha Najdenovalevic (EAPN MA), Elke Vandermeerschen and Paul Rosiers (BAPN), EO's: Reka Tunyogi (Eurochild), Macej Kucharczyk (AGE-Platform), EAPN Secretariat: Sian Jones & Nellie Epinat 2
Objectives & outputs of the TF General objective: Promoting Effective Stakeholder Participation in Stakeholder Dialogue in Europe 2020, including people with direct experience of poverty”. Output 1: “Guidelines”: Produce EAPN Common Principles to promote effective stakeholder engagement in Europe 2020 that includes people experiencing poverty and their NGOs, at the EU, national and sub- national level. 3
Objectives & outputs of the TF Output 2: Action Note: Produce an action note to help members to use the Principles and handbook in order to improve civil dialogue and engagement, in Europe 2020 and similar policy processes. Output 3: Capacity Building: Prepare a capacity building exchange with the EUIS to build on the learning and to take forward demands at EU, national and sub-national level. 4
Guidelines: 'Give a Voice to Citizens !' How to build stakeholder engagement for effective decision-making Introduction: Strong message What ?: Clarifying concepts Core principles 5
WHAT ? - Clarifying concepts - Core principles: Participative Inclusive Respectful Continuous Open Transparent Accountable Coherent Effective 6
WHY ? - The Added Value Bringing in essential expertise & knowledge Empowering people & communities Promoting mutual learning & understanding Building consensus, accountability & legitimacy Raising visibility & public awareness Enhancing coördination 7
WHY ? - Necessity & EU basis Governance principles in the Lisbon Treaty Open Method of Coördination Europe 2020 Social Investment Package - The Lack of Stakeholder Engagement today Lack of Meaningful Participation Scepticism about the EU & Europe 2020 8
WH0 ? - Policy Actors - Other Stakeholders 9
- Ensure you reach the right stakeholders HOW ? - Define the scope and terms of the dialogue and engagement – what you want to achieve and how, with a timeframe. - Ensure you reach the right stakeholders - Invest in the engagement – allocate the resources - Establish clear coordination contact point for stakeholders and person responsible for continuous quality in the engagement. 10
HOW ? -Plan the engagement – set out a clear timeline, giving sufficient time for engagement – this means pre-preparation for some groups. – Invest in effective methodology (before during after) - Invest in capacity building of administration, decision-makers and stakeholders- to learn more about each other, but also to develop their skills for participating better in this kind of processes 11
- Establish a legal framework for civil dialogue HOW ? - Establish a legal framework for civil dialogue - Promote mutual learning and exchange on methodologies and results with other administrations and at EU level. - Ensure that stakeholder involvement processes are used where functional 12
- At regional (sub-national) level - At local (town/ community) level ACT ! - At EU level - At national level - At regional (sub-national) level - At local (town/ community) level 13
WHAT WE WANT FROM YOU ? - CONCRETE examples: good practices, less good practices, inspiring practices... (especially on the 'HOW' part) - feedback on the document 14
ACTION NOTE & CAPACITY BUILDING - How to use the guidelines, what can you do to try to build or enforce structural stakeholder engagement (related to EU2020): - when there is no structural stakeholder engagement at all in your country - when there is some form of structural stakeholder engagement - when you already have a strong structure/practice of stakeholder engagement 15