Core Values of a Timberwolf Compassion Respect Integrity Responsibility
Students, please rise for the flag salute: “I pledge allegiance…..”
What’s happening today? Thurs – Early Release 12:10 Staff vs Student Basketball Students will pick up backpacks, etc., and epi-pens at front of building after dismissal. Looking Ahead…
June 21 Schedule Period 1 8:30-8:56 (26 min) Dismiss to Assembly at 11:16 Basketball game 11:25 – 12:05 Dismissal 12:10 PM
Yearbooks Preserve memories for the rest of your life Write neat, fun, positive messages Use ball point pen - No Sharpies Don’t cross out photos or signatures Don’t lose sight of your yearbook Damaged yearbooks are irreplaceable Discipline Consequences for Damaged or Defaced Yearbooks? Restitution and Suspension. Autograph Shirts/Pants Cannot be Worn during signing No writing on shirts, faces, arms, etc…
Quote of the Day 6/21/18
Have a Great Summer!