A Anthem Baseball 2016 Ability<Motivation<Attitude
Coaching Staff Allan Culp Assistant Coaches Text @ansbb to 81010 allan.culp@dvusd.org 623-376-3764 Anthem.Dvusd.org – Athletics Assistant Coaches Philip Neal Joe Cosiano Text @ansbb to 81010
Volunteer Opportunities Scorebook Team drinks/snacks etc. Powder Gatorade for 5-gallon cooler Positively refocus players in dugout while on offense Returning 8th grade parent practice help Fill out & return info sheet if interested
Practice Monday – Thursday 3:45 – 5:30 Friday and half-day practices will be utilized and announced as necessary Field preparation after practice (15 minutes) Fridays are scheduled for extended field prep Team rotation
Victory with Honor Players and parents Practices and games Be TRRFCC! Disrespect shown towards any players, teammates, coaches, umpires, parents, and/or school/district personnel will not be tolerated. Disrespect includes but is not limited to: Taunting Back-talking Mocking Disobeying
Victory with Honor Parents not pursuing Victory with Honor will be asked to leave the practice or game by an umpire, coach, or school/district personnel Set an example for everyone around to follow
Playing Time Players not starting are vital to the game and team 16 players for 11 potential starting positions (DH & EH) Players not starting are vital to the game and team Courtesy runner for pitcher/catcher Offensive journal Pitch count book Warming up outfielders
Playing Time Pitching 3-4 starter rotation Pitch count If you are pitching for a club/league team, please let me know when you (expect to) pitch District bylaws No more than 10 innings in a week (school+club/league) No more than 6 innings in a 72 hour period (school + club/league) Week=7 day period. Tuesday Monday Not Tuesday Tuesday
Playing Time Our goal is to improve baseball players & win baseball games Contributing factors Eligibility Attitude/hustle in practice Ability<motivation<attitude Skills Situation We will play as many players as much as possible
Concerns Player discuss concerns with a coach Coaches discuss concerns and follow up with player Schedule meeting with coach, player, and parents We are available to discuss concerns Via Email After practice During a scheduled meeting We are unavailable to discuss concerns Before practice After a game
Academic Eligibility Per DVUSD Athletic Handbook (pg 51-52) Determined by grade check every Monday Ineligible to compete in or travel to games with team if he is failing one or more classes (including electives) Three Strike system A yellow probation sheet will be sent home for parent signature. This must be signed and returned the following day. The student will be ineligible to play the following week. The student will be dismissed from the team.
Academic Eligibility Team/Coach specifics Players earning a D in any class are eligible, may still dress out and travel with the team, but will not play SCHOOL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BASEBALL
Discipline Issues Per DVUSD Athletic Handbook Team/Coach specifics Student-athletes who are suspended on or off campus may not participate in games or practices Team/Coach specifics School punishment and consequences will be mirrored on the field Suspension (on or off campus) could result in dismissal Each before or after school detention will result in a one game suspension 7th & 8th grade teachers have been encouraged to keep me updated on issues
Medical Excuses and Absences Per DVUSD Athletic Handbook (pg 52) If a student-athlete has a medical excuse for regular physical education classes, he will be ineligible for practice/games. Student-athletes must be in attendance at least ½ the day in order to participate in that day’s practice or game Going to medical/dental appointments is okay
Student Release Forms Apply only to your player From practice Only need one for the season Must be signed and returned before our first game (Tuesday, March 1) Following an away game Must be signed and given to coach after every away game
Funds Hats Jerseys & Team Shirts Items to consider for Donation $25 player – Covers home game hat days $20 additional Jerseys & Team Shirts Player owns either Can be worn to school on game days Jersey - $20-30 player (name & number on back) Shirts - $15 players or parents Items to consider for Donation Bownet, ladder Tax Credit Donations $200 individual/$400 family