What are the nationalities of the bride and groom? NOTICE TAKING UNDER THE ASYLUM & IMMIGRATION ACT 2004 What are the nationalities of the bride and groom? Both parties are EEA Nationals One or both from outside the EEA Both to give Notice to the RO of their district of residence Do they have a certificate of entitlement to Right of Abode YES NO Do they have indefinite leave to remain (ILR) or a marriage entry clearance visa or a Certificate of Approval (COA) Both give notice to us or Another desiganted RO together If they want to marry here they should give notice here (recommendaton) YES DON’T KNOW DON’T KNOW NO If already in UK Apply for COA to the HO on 0870 606 7766 If outside the UK Apply to the British Embassy for marriage visa Documents to be checked by RO or call the HO to find out & start again