Meet the Teacher Welcome to Primary 2
Literacy and English Reading daily including comprehension, fluency and encouraging expression. Pupils share reading, in pairs, asking questions and responding. Focussed writing lesson each Thursday. We are working on using known sounds to help us spell and write with more independence. In spelling we look, say, cover, write and check. Our learning is not resource led but we do use Story worlds, Jolly Phonics, Jolly Grammar and Nelson handwriting. We also use a variety of games to challenge.
Numeracy and Mathematics We are developing our addition and subtraction skills. We aim to increase independence and quick recall of mental maths facts. We are working with larger numbers to challenge the pupils’ understanding of place value. We use a variety of resources including Heinemann, Active Maths and a range of games to provide variety and reinforcement.
Health and Wellbeing PE Days – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Weekly assembly – share achievements and celebrate togetherness at Neilston Primary GIRFEC – BounceBack to promote resilience. We are also learning about children’s rights. SHANARRI passports to replace traditional PLPs
Other Curricular Areas In Social Studies we are learning all about our local area. We are focussing on features of our environment and mapping. This is an IDL (interdisciplinary learning) topic which means we are linking our learning to include art, music, drama and literacy.
Homework Spelling homework Monday and Tuesday – look, say, cover, write and check ONCE each night Wednesday and Thursday – oral practice of spelling words. Reading each night including word list. Vary the approach – read to your child, read alternate pages, discuss favourite pictures and predict what will happen next.
How you can help… Please remind your child to:- Talk to us if anything makes them feel unhappy Remind your child that homework is important and encourage them to complete it Bring a water bottle to school Look out for news on Study ladder and class blog coming soon Remember school is fun!
Class Blogs Go to school website Click on class blog tab and read about class learning and activities