Super’s Theory: A Life-Span, Life-Space Approach to Careers PSY 714 Instructor: Emily E. Bullock, Ph.D.
Super’s Vocational Theory History of Super’s work Career Pattern Study (1985) Coming of Age in Middletown: Careers in the Making Unique in espousing a developmental perspective in viewing occupational choice 14 propositions serve as assumptions of the theory
Super’s theory Life Space: The social situation in which an individual lives Life Span: life stages such as childhood which are linked to career stages Life Career Rainbow
Super’s Career-Life Rainbow
Super’s Rainbow
Super’s Theory Life Span Career Stages Growth: (4-13yrs) Exploration: (14-24yrs) crystallizing , specifying, and implementing an occupational choice Establishment (25-44yrs) stabilizing, consolidating, and advancing in a position Maintenance (45-65yrs) holding on, keeping up, and innovating Disengagement (over 65 yrs) deceleration, retirement planning, and retirement living
Super’s Theory Career maturity and career adaptability Proponent of adding a measure of values to career batteries Self-concept system Criticized for focusing on the majority population
Super’s Theory: Practical Applications Assessment’s 4 Phases: Career Development Assessment and Counseling Life structure and work role salience Career development status and resources Vocational identity Occupational self–concepts and life themes
Super’s Theory: Practical Applications Integration of data and interpretation of results The Counseling Process Interview is the prime means of directly fostering growth and exploratory experiences Advocates the use of “generic counseling processes” based on the needs of the client Cyclical Counseling-composed of directive and nondirective approaches
Evaluating Super’s Theory How might you use Super’s Theory with clients? Does this theory help you to add questions to your repertoire? How might this theory effect your view and use of assessment? What do you think of the concept of career maturity? How does this theory compare with others we have studied?