Bits and Atoms Beliefs Digital Logic was a bad idea Bugs will have programs Engineers will not design complex systems The future of personal computation is personal fabrication The most advanced technologies are needed in the least-developed places
The Center for Bits and Atoms content representation nm km NSF: infrastructure, students, outreach ($13.75M) Sponsors: joint research, tech transfer, IP Building: Fumihiko Maki artists macrofab kids nanofab biofab
Shrinking the Internet (Raffi Krikorian, Matt Hancher, H. Shrikumar, Pehr Anderson) physical plant
The Home of the Future
(Matt Hancher, Raffi Krikorian) Implementation (Matt Hancher, Raffi Krikorian)
(Vicente Guallart, Metapolis) Architecture (Vicente Guallart, Metapolis)
Embedded IP Beliefs IP to leaf nodes Slower can be better No server dependence Architecture is architecture X10, Lonworks, CAN bus, emWare, BACnet, … open, interoperable, scalable, … IP/UDP/TCP/HTTP $, pins, power, … Internet 0 standards, testbeds, …