PROPOSED CHANGES TO BYLAWS 1. Now: SEAS Proposed Change: UB Engineering 2. Now: Committee for Graduate (Undergraduate) Studies Proposed Change: Change.


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Presentation transcript:

PROPOSED CHANGES TO BYLAWS 1. Now: SEAS Proposed Change: UB Engineering 2. Now: Committee for Graduate (Undergraduate) Studies Proposed Change: Change Studies to Education 3. Now: Article VI on Faculty Personnel Committee Proposed Change: Major changes 4. Now: No review policy specified Proposed Change: Reviewed no less than every five years (Article XI)


FPC Members: P. Alexandridis (CBE) J. Bird (EE) A. Cartwright (EE), Vice-chair J. Chomicki (CSE) J. Felske (MAE) V. Govindaraju (CSE) L. Lin (ISE) T. Singh (MAE) T. Soong (CSEE), Chair Assisted by: T. Klubek (Deans Office)

PROCEDURAL CHANGES: Dean does not attend FPC meetings Much more extensive report to the Dean Presenter/Scribe for each case

STATUS REPORT: Appointment to Full Professor with Tenure:3 Promotion to Full Professor:4 Tenure as Associate Professor:1 Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure:5 Appointment to Assistant Professor:4 Reappointment to Assistant Professor:6 Appointment to Adjunct Professor:1 Appointment to Adjunct Associate Professor:2 Appointment to Adjunct Assistant Professor:1 Appointment to Research Associate Professor:1 Appointment to Research Assistant Professor:4 32

CONCERNS AND PROPOSED CHANGES (ARTICLE VI) 1. Now: The Dean attends FPC Meetings Concern: Prevents independent faculty input at School-level Proposed Change: Dean does not attend 2. Now: Associate Professors can serve on FPC Concern: Inappropriate for cases involving Full Professors Proposed Change: Create two six-member committees

CONCERNS AND PROPOSED CHANGES (ARTICLE VI) (contd) 3. Now: FPC considers all appointments, reappointments, tenure actions, and promotions Concern: Heavy workload Proposed Change: Create two committees (Also see 4) 4. Now: FPC considers initial appointments and first reappointments at rank of Assistant Professor (done largely pro forma) Concern: Added workload Proposed Change: Remove them from FPCs charge

CONCERNS AND PROPOSED CHANGES (ARTICLE VI) (contd) 5. Now: FPC members can vote at department level and/or at FPC Concern: Double counting Proposed Change: FPC members vote only at FPC 6. Now: FPC members can vote yes, no, or abstain Concern: Abstain votes can be problematic Proposed Change: With two six-member committees, members are more involved and less likely to abstain.

Proposed Committee for Assistant and Associate Professor Personnel Actions - Tenure Committee Consists of six tenured faculty members, one from each department. Each department elects one member and an alternate. Alternate serves on the committee during members absence. Considers cases involving (a) Initial appointments at the rank of Associate Professor (b) Second- and third-term reappointments of Assistant Professors (c) Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor (d) Tenure action for Assistant Professor considered for promotion to Associate Professor (e) Granting of tenure to untenured Associate Professor Tenure Committee members/alternates may not serve simultaneously on the Promotion Committee.

Proposed Committee for Full Professor Personnel Actions - Promotion Committee Consists of six tenured Full Professors, one from each department. Each department elects one member and an alternate. Alternate serves on the committee during members absence. Considers cases involving (a) Initial appointments at the rank of Full Professor (b) Promotion from Associate to Full Professor (c) Tenure action for untenured Associate Professor considered for promotion to Full Professor (d) Granting of tenure to untenured Full Professor Promotion Committee members/alternates may not serve simultaneously on the Tenure Committee.