Assessed to Sale Ratio Worksheet Instructions Do your search, remember that properties must be in the same municipality (city versus village etc.) but a wider price range is acceptable. View your matches Sort in ascending price order Export - Export to Excel Here Click here to sort prices in Ascending order
5. Open Excel Spreadsheet named Sale to Assessed Blank 6. Enable editing and enable macros, if necessary 7. Switch back to the CSV file 8. Left click on the number 2 on the left side of the CSV sheet 9. Left click and hold down left mouse button as you drag the mouse down the number column to the end of your data and then release the left mouse button. Note: Data can’t go past number 28. If you have more than 26 rows of data you will need to break into an additional spreadsheet. 10. Right click mouse in highlighted area, select copy 11. Switch back to spreadsheet named Sale to Assessed Blank 12. Click on cell A2 in the Original CSV tab and paste 13. Click on the Work Print tab 14. Save Spreadsheet as a new file 15. Enter Assessed Values including assessed value of the subject property in blank space 16. Save and Print Note: Never delete any of the cells from rows (1) One, (2) Two or (3) Three. If you do not want the data for the property listed in row 3 delete the data not the row. Replace the town info across row 3 (i.e. Oconomowoc) to insure all formulas work properly.