LCAP Revisions and Update Riverside County Assessment Network and Project and English Learner Directors
Today’s Topics 1. Major Changes to Ed Code and Funding 2. Template Revisions 3. Next Steps with LCAP 4. LCAP Rubric Development
Major Changes to Education Code “Consult with Pupils” Include other numerically significant subgroups as well as unduplicated students. “for review and comment on the development of the LCAP” 15495(g) “Required Metric” is moved to Template directions (p. 6)
Funding Changes Changes to the three year rolling average for calculating student numbers. Updates for Provision 2 and 3 Schools simplifies data gathering for high poverty schools
Foster Youth Definitions and CALPADS Please go to CDE FAQs
Template Revisions: All Guiding Questions Need Consideration LCAP Template P. 2, top of page: “….the narrative response and goals and actions should demonstrate each guiding question was considered during the development of the plan.”
Template Revisions: Sections 1-2 Section 1 adds 2 new Guiding Questions (6-7) Section 2 includes 10 definitions and 3 new guiding questions (11-13) All metrics must be addressed. P. 6 under Expected…Outcomes Needs, Goals, Actions, Targeted Students combined in one year.
LCAP Annual Update Six Guiding Questions on page 10 Use the template for each district LCAP goal. How have you already collected data on implementation of your actions/services?
Next Steps for LCAP Template SBE to meet in November to consider final input from stakeholders and make final approval.
LCAP Rubric Development West Ed leads three development committees: 1. Practitioner and Community 2. Research 3. Policy Due for SBE Adoption: October, 2015