BSL and deaf awareness for every stage of life
Signature Qualifications Secondary education Signature Qualifications Younger 14-18 18-30 In the workplace ? ?
Benefits British Sign Language physical and practical way to express words and feelings awareness and understanding of deafness new ways to communicate with peers different strategies to help with spelling Interest and engagement in reading an appreciation for languages learn together
The journey Developed with GCSE? Reviewed as part of a schools project BSL and rugby project with Newcastle Falcons Moved to the Signature Learning Hub
British Sign Language in Schools
BSL in Secondary Schools Allows inclusive learning across all abilities and ages Offers hearing people the chance to communicate with peers Offers Deaf people a qualification in their own language
Getting started 2010 launched campaign to establish BSL in secondary schools 2013 revisited the project - established working group 2015 pilot in 6 schools 2016 second year pilot 2017 Assessments
Qualification content Deaf awareness Deaf history Receptive BSL Productive BSL Similar topics to Modern Foreign Language. ...Why it isn't an MFL... Read! Write! Listen! Speak! Never going to be a core subject on the GCSE framework...
Pilot schools
Next steps Department for Education (DfE) discussion with ministers Independent Evaluation Allowed us to see what needs improving - Delivery - Assessment - Content of the Specification
What is available now? Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 qualifications in BSL available today to deliver into schools Deaf Awareness and Communication available to deliver into schools Pre-re-quisits to any GCSE/Scottish National Qualification Discussion with SQA Our current qualifications lend themselves to fit into your Language 1, 2 and 3 system here in Scotland.
Signature Qualifications Secondary education Signature Qualifications Younger 14-18 18-30 In the workplace ?
Signature Qualifications Secondary education Signature Qualifications Younger 14-18 18-30 In the workplace
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