Sigma Wellness is a Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated signature community initiative adopted at Conclave Charlotte 2007 and has the following objectives: To support Sigma’s vision of ensuring programs are focused and committed to serving our communities and serving young males through mentoring and scholarships. To ensure symmetry among all of our organizational and community initiatives. To develop a sense of pride and commitment in the community toward healthy living that will reduce the incidence of health conditions that adversely affect men of color.
Community Impact Our Sigma Wellness Initiative contains Four Focused Social Action Community Programs American Cancer Society and Phi Beta Sigma Together Waging War Against Cancer Our Partnership with the March of Dimes helps prevent Premature Births, Teenage Pregnancy and work to build strong fathers in our communities. Sigma/Zeta Project Vote and Sigma Presence On Capitol Hill Conversation among Brothers Series A program of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. In conjunction with the Center of Diseases Control (CDC)
First Initiative Together Waging War Against Cancer
Living Well Brother To Brother is the central component to Sigma’s commitment to helping men lead healthier lives, one Brother at a time. Living Well Brother To Brother is supported by our partnership with the American Cancer Society.
A Look At The Statistics… Men of Color have lower life expectancies and higher mortality rates from a number of diseases than white men. African-American men have an average life expectancy of 69, six years less than white men and “far shorter than men of other ethic groups” Black men are more than twice as likely to die from cancer and nine times as likely to die from AIDS than white men From the cradle to the grave, African- American men have the worst statistics in almost every area of health
TOOLS AND RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR IMPLEMENTING Living Well – Brother To Brother The Implementation Guide The Program Guide – 5 Modules Power Point Presentation for each module Community Initiative Page on Web Site
Code Blue Alerts Our partnership with the American Cancer Society marks a new advocacy outreach strategy that will effectively engage Phi Beta Sigma members to take action in legislative campaigns. American Cancer Society has developed a high tech web site that allow members of Sigma, Zeta, family and community to write letters to congressional leaders requesting action on particular legislative issues. Brothers will receive the Code Blue Message via email. Code Blue Alerts take two minutes of easy action that helps increase funding for prevention of health disparities and other Health issues.
Relay For Life and Other Fund Raising Events Sigmas will participate in Relay For Life and other fund raising for the American Cancer Society. Our goal is to raise $100,000 over the next two years through Relay For Life and other fund raisers.
Our Partnership with American Cancer Society Deliverables Focus on education communities and membership Ensure 75% of members within chapters are educated on Reducing Your Cancer Risk module. Ensure each chapter preset a minimum of one of the Living Well-Brother To Brother modules to community at large. Each region to complete post card advocacy campaign at respective regional conferences. By year end 2008, over 2000 Sigmas and family members would have responded to the Code Blue Alert. 5. We will commit to a minimum of 20 chapters per region participating in Relay for Life through team, service and raising funds.
Our Second Initiative Our Partnership with the March of Dimes
Our Second Initiative Our Partnership with the March of Dimes allows us to work together to prevent Premature Births, Teenage Pregnancy and work to build strong fathers in our communities. Sigma’s Volunteering for local March of Dimes chapters, committees, and boards. Chapters co-sponsoring with March of Dimes Building Strong Fathers Seminars. Stepping To Save Babies Initiative: Our Goal is to Raise $75,000 with each chapter contributing a minimum of $200 for March for Babies.
March of Dimes Partnership Expected Outcomes and Chapter Deliverables Each chapter present appoints champion for March of Dimes. This champion will serve on local March of Dimes committees and/or the local March of Dimes committees and/or the local March of Dimes board. Each of our seven regions host with march of Dimes a local chapters six Building Strong Father Seminars. Raise $75,000 in 2008 for March for Babies – Sigma Stepping To Save Babies Initiative. Each chapter is expected to raise a minimum of $200 for March for Babies.
Third Initiative Project Vote & Presence on the Hill
Our Fraternity must have a national presence on Capitol Hill. Our Third Initiative Our Fraternity must have a national presence on Capitol Hill. Our involvement with the Congressional Black Caucus Leadership Conference and legislative alerts for chapters and members to act on congressional issues will be key components of our presence and action. Phi Beta Sigma Day on Capitol Hill is scheduled for March 2009.
Strategic Objectives… Objectives of Project Vote and Sigma Presence On Capitol Hill We will encourage each of our chapters to register at least one Brother to participate at the annual Congressional Black Caucus Leadership Conference. Phi Beta Sigma will continue to sponsor the Community Leadership Awards Reception On the Hill during the annual meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus and the CBC Foundation Annual Legislative Conference. Phi Beta Sigma will co-host along with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Sigma-Zeta day on Capitol Hill beginning April of 2009. This annual event will consist of planned activities and meetings with congressional leaders and members of the White House Staff. Sigma/Zeta Project Vote is a joint initiative with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Our collaborative goal is to register 100,000 new voters in 2008. Each Sigma Chapter will be asked to register 100 new voters. The Sigma Voter Registration Guide is now available on this site.
Our Fourth Initiative Living Responsible: Sexual Health Conversation Among Brothers Series Living Responsible: Sexual Health
Conversation Among Brothers Series A program of Phi Beta Sigma in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Program Overview In an effort to raise the awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the African-American male population, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, through its Sigma Wellness signature initiative has developed a new project/initiative, the Conversation among Brothers Series. This initiative is targeted at African American men on college campuses and is established to encourage ongoing peer-to-peer discussions about topics and issues that adversely impact African American men between the ages 17-24 that are infected with the disease. Impact We have targeted 25 college campuses and collegiate chapters that will host 3 sessions at 150 people per session kicking off in September 2008 through April 2009. Total reach will be more than 10, 500 African American Men. Please visit for more information.
January to June 30 July 1 to December January to December During the November 2006 Board of Directors meeting President Griffin and the General Board adopted the reporting period for chapters’ community Initiative reporting: January to June 30 (during Conclave years) July 1 to December January to December (during non-Conclave years)
Reporting Your Chapters Work The PIA FORM Tracking for Benchmarking, measuring and reporting The new and improved Program Implementation Assessment Form. We listened and learned from You. This important tool captures Key Result Indicators for assessment for desired outcomes
Available Tools and Resources The Community Initiative Page on the Fraternity Website About our graphic standard and look Sigma Service Blues Ordering Program Banners and marketing standards.
Ordering Program Banners and marketing standards.
The Community Initiatives Page on the Fraternity Website
Sigma Service Blues
Awards & Recognition: Celebrating Your Success Community Initiatives Implementation Awards We will recognize chapters who exceed expectations in implementing our programs. We will recognize a model collegiate chapter and alumni chapter from each region. We will also recognize an International Collegiate and Alumni Model Chapter of the Year. The International Model Chapter of the Year Award is given to the chapters who best implement all three of the programmatic initiatives. Only those chapters who submit program assessment forms can compete for Model Chapter Awards. We will provide special recognition for Top Fund Raising Chapters in each region who donated funds to American Cancer Society and March of Dimes. We will recognize Top Walker Awards, Top Relay for Life Awards and Code Blue Call to Action Awards.
Awards and Recognition Program Director Awards The Program Director Awards are awards presented to Fraternity members who have made significant contributions in the area of Bigger and Better Business, Education, and Social Action. Each of these three awards will be presented by each Program Director
Completing the Mission … Let’s Get Excited about making a difference in Our Communities through Sigma Wellness – Social Action Community Initiatives. Initiatives with Vision and Passion to Create and Change The Future! Thank you!