Pop Art and Minimalism By: Carson Fillerup
Pop Art Pop art is any everyday item or experience that is turned into something else . It Began in the early 1950’s and really took off in the 1960’s. Andy Warhol was one of the most famous artist. He turned a generic item and blew it up on a canvas he took a soup can and painted it on a 6 foot canvas. Following his success of his first works he began producing images of celebrities that implied acts.
Gold Marilyn Monroe, By Andy Warhol 1962
Claes Oldenburg Claes Oldenburg was another abstract/Pop artist. He describe his art as something that does somthing else than sits on its but in a museum. He is known for making simple objects very large.
Clothespin, By Claes Oldenburg, Philadelphia 1976
International Style in Architecture The International style dominated architecture. Common characteristics of the International Style include: a radical simplification of form, a rejection of ornament, and adoption of glass, steel and concrete as preferred materials. Further, the transparency of buildings, construction (called the honest expression of structure), and acceptance of industrialized mass-production techniques contributed to the international style design philosophy. One architect that was famous during this time was Robert Venturi he embraced popular styles, finding ways to utilize what he called “ honky tonk” elements that spoke a language anyone could understand. He put his ideas into practice in a design for a fire house.
Fire Station #4, By Robert Venturi, Columbus Indiana 1965- 1967
Jasper Johns Jasper Johns works like his personality, he is primarily known for doing abstract art but,His work appealed to a considerable group of artists who would focus more directly on booming postwar american economy. Their works have become known a pop art.
Map, By Jasper Johns, 1961
Minimalism Pop art was not the only alternative to abstract expressionism advanced in the 1960’s. A group of serious, intellectual artist disgusted with the emotional outpouring of the Abstract expressionists and the vulgarity of Pop Art began to make high-minded and refined art known as Minimalism. Minimalist art is art stripped down to the essentials, or as one artist said.” What you see is what you see.” It is paintings and sculptures that are self-sufficient and have no subject matter, content, or meaning beyond their presence as objects in space.
Donald Judd Donald Judd was one of the foremost creators and theorist of minimalism. As an art critic in New York City, the Missouri-born Judd became concerned that art made it difficult to perceive reality. The only way to reconnect the viewer with reality, Judd felt, was to produce works of art with no exercise techniques, free of association, that could be seen to be simply what they were-plain and honest
Untitled, By Donald Judd, 1967, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
Eva Hesse The sculptures of Eva Hesse are described as being fundamentally Minimalist. She brought a more textured and suggestive aspect to Minimalism. She also helped bridge the gap between crafts and fine arts, laying the groundwork for a more serious evaluation of crafts like ceramics and fibers in the 1970’s
Repetition 19, By Eva Hesse, 1968. Museum of Modern Art, New York