Please press F5 to activate the slide-show. All users must LOGIN to 3WS to reach the main menu screen. Each user has configurable security setup rules, for each program in 3WS. This session will go through the weighing process, to print a Dispensing label. Please press F5 to activate the slide-show. Each slide has a printed explanation.
Press the Dispensing icon To load the Dispensing program
A list of incomplete orders is displayed. Select order 63164 to weigh.
A list of incomplete materials is displayed for this order. Select the material to weigh.
A list of approved Lot numbers is displayed for this material. The operator must scan the barcode of the Lot number to use.
Enter a Lot number which does not exist
Enter a Lot number which is for a different material
Enter a Lot number which is not approved ie: status must be IN (IN USE)
Enter a Lot number with a Useby-Date which has expired
Enter a valid & approved Lot number for this material
Lot number is accepted. Next step is to select a valid balance for the weighing
Each balance is connected to a different COM port on the computer Each balance can have a different weight range A weight range can start at 5 kg and end at 30 kg
If the balance is not switched ON, the message Not Connected If the balance is not switched ON, the message Not Connected! is displayed
Accept the TARE weight of the empty container or bag, to be used for this weighing
If you weigh too much, more than the upper tolerance limit, the colour bar will change to RED, meaning the NETT weight is too high
If you try to accept this high weight, a RED error message is displayed. You cannot over weigh any materials in an order.
If you weigh less than the lower tolerance limit, the colour bar will change to YELLOW, meaning the NETT weight is too low
If you try to accept this low weight, a YELLOW warning error message is displayed. You can press CANCEL and go back to increase the weight. Or you can press YES to complete a partial weighing of this material / lot. The remaining 34 grams must be weighed in a later weighing activity. You cannot complete an order, if any material has been under weighed.
Success. The weighing is within the lower & upper tolerance range Success. The weighing is within the lower & upper tolerance range. Press ENTER to accept the weighing.
A final screen of the weighing details is displayed. Press YES (which is the default option) to complete this weighing.
A dispensing label is printed, with all required fields available on your label. The barcode will be scanned during the MFG phase, such as mixing & blending, to ensure all weighed materials are added during tipping & consumption. Lot status & useby-date are rechecked during the MFG phase.
The completed material / item, has now been removed from the list of outstanding materials for this order.
The Order Detail report includes all production activities, such as weighing, bag-counting, manufacturing, packaging, MES actions, etc. Each site can modify any report or any label, to suit your local requirements. …… and that concludes this presentation. Many thanks for your attention. Contact Wayahead anytime, using .