God is in control and God is good and faithful Zimbabwe A Beautiful Mess God is in control and God is good and faithful
Zimbabwe A Beautiful Mess
Zimbabwe Love, joy, peace, patience A Beautiful Mess Love, joy, peace, patience Kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness Self-control!
A Beautiful Mess Becoming Like Jesus NORTHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH A Beautiful Mess Becoming Like Jesus Galatians 5:22 – 23 SELF-CONTROL!
Galatians 5:19-21 A Beautiful Mess Sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissentions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies etc. Human nature out of control
God’s self-control A Beautiful Mess Jonah Moses and the people
Self-Control A Beautiful Mess The Holy Spirit enables and empowers us to have control over our sinful desires. We can experience increasing freedom from sin as we learn to control ourselves with God’s help.
Self-Control A Beautiful Mess
Self-Control A Beautiful Mess The ability to have powerful passions, but to keep them under control. All the energy we expend on these passions serves good and does not lead to selfish or destructive results.
Self-Control A Beautiful Mess
Self-Control A Beautiful Mess Problem We have a fallen and sinful nature which usually lead us to that list of sinful behaviours. We cannot exercise self-control successfully in our own strength. The only power capable of keeping our sinful desires under control is the Holy Spirit.
Self-Control A Beautiful Mess
Self-Control Joseph & Potiphar’s wife David & Bathsheba A Beautiful Mess Joseph & Potiphar’s wife David & Bathsheba
Self-Control A Beautiful Mess Self-control is something that needs to be taught to and practised by all ages and by both genders. It is something for the whole church, just like all the other Fruit of the Spirit.