Dominion Investments in Virginia
Utility Generation: Balanced, Diverse Fuel Mix 1 Electric Capacity by Fuel includes Non-utility Generation (NUG) under contract. 2 Electric Production by Fuel proportions exclude Non-utility Generation (NUG) under contract. OIL NUCLEAR NATURAL GAS HYDRO BIOMASS COAL SOLAR
Virginia Legislation - SB 1349 & HB 2237 Proposed carbon regulations (111d) have created regulatory uncertainty and potential significant negative impacts to ratepayers and the Virginia economy Base rate and rider impact: Base rates will be frozen from 2015-2019 Existing riders will continue to be reviewed and accordingly adjusted by VA SCC VEPCO may file for new riders from 2015-2019 Requires annual IRP filings Suspension of the Biennial Review process until 2022 Solar development impact: Utility scale solar in VA, in the aggregate of 500 MW, is in the public interest Owned and operated by incumbent utilities Establishes that construction or purchase of solar shall have recovery under A6 SB 1349 Signed into law 2/24/2015 HB 2237 Signed into law 3/26/2015
Atlantic Coast Pipeline 550 miles of primarily 42’’ pipe 1.5 Bcf/day capacity Subscribed through ACP partners and other LDC’s Expandable to > 2 Bcf/day Estimated cost $4.5 - $5 billion* Expected in-service date November 2018 OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE: Dominion Resources** 45% Duke Energy 40% Piedmont Natural Gas 10% AGL Resources 5% * Excludes financing costs **Dominion will construct, operate and manage the pipeline
Remington Solar Power Facility 20 MW solar project in Fauquier County 90,000 PV panels 125 acres near Remington Power Station Remington Solar would be VA’s first large-scale solar facility Application filed – January 2015 Estimated in-service date – October 2016
Greensville County Power Station Construction of a ~ 1,000 MW plant Gas Fired Combined Cycle Estimated Cost of $1.3 billion Major Expected Milestones March 2015 – Completed RFP process April 2015 – Award EPC contract July 2015 – File CPCN/Rider April 2016 – Receive final air permit April 2016 – Receive CPCN/Rider approval December 2018 – Expected in-service Charlottesville Greensville Richmond
Transmission Projects Haymarket 230kV Line & Substation Total line length: 6 +/- miles* New right-of-way corridor 100’ – 120’ wide Several alternative routes are currently under review Surry- Skiffes Creek 500kV Total line length: 8 miles 1.5 miles on Dominion land 4.1 miles overhead across the James River 2.3 miles on land in southern James City County Supreme Court of Virginia Ruling (April 2015) Switching Station in James City County Awaiting US Army Corp of Engineers (COE) permit *Varies depending on the various route alignment
VOWTAP: Project Update Virginia Offshore Wind Technology Advancement Project (Proposed) Demonstration project aimed at reducing the cost of offshore wind energy