Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for A-colon cancer with midgut malrotation 中國醫學大學附設醫院 大腸直腸外科 謝明皓 國軍台中總醫院 大腸直腸外科 巫旻憲 岳德政
Case Report Chief Complaint Present illness Intermittent bloody stool for 2 days. Present illness This is a 72 year-old male with history of Acute gastric ulcer with recent bleeding Eng-stage renal disease under regular hemodialysis Hypertensive cardiovascular disease He has been troubled by intermittent bloody stool about 100-200c.c., abdominal pain for 2 days. So he was sent to our ER and was admitted to GI section.
Case Report Arrange CTA for identified bleeding source CTA: Mid-gut malrotation (nonrotation type) Active contrast extravasation in proximal ascending colon. TAE was performed after identified bleeding site, and active GI bleeding was control next day
Type of malrotation
Case Report
Case Report Colonoscopy: An ulcerative tumor 3-4 cm in size, located at 5cm distal to ileocecal valve, no active bleeding. Biopsy: Adenocarcinoma with moderate differentiation.
Case Report Circulation for T colon SMA IMA Ileocecal artery
Case Report Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy video malrotation第二版.mp4 Operation time: 190 min Blood loss: 20ml
Case Report Pathology: Adenocarcinoma with moderate differentiation LNs: 0/17 Surgical base, cecum and A colon: free from the tumor involvement. pT3N0M0, stage IIA
Case Report Upper GI bleeding at POD4 due to cougulopathy-> upper GI endodscopy Discharge at POD15
Discussion Reported cases of intestinal malrotation with colon carcinoma[Hiroya, et al. Laparoscopic Surgery for the Transverse Colon Carcinoma associated with Non-rotation Type Intestinal Malrotation. Jikeikai Med J 2014; 61: 87-92]
Discussion Variations of intestinal malrotation [Hiroya, et al. Laparoscopic Surgery for the Transverse Colon Carcinoma associated with Non-rotation Type Intestinal Malrotation. Jikeikai Med J 2014; 61: 87-92] 69.2% 15.4% 15.4%
Discussion Conversion [高橋 玄,et al.腹腔鏡下手術を施行した腸回転異常症を伴った上行結腸癌の1例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(5), 1351-1354, 2014]
Conclusion Pre-operative survey Anatomy Conversion
Questions & Recommendation