Halter: The Idea Halter is a conformational evaluation of the horse It is used in order to comprise the idea of form to function The idea is if we have a well built horse than the horse will be able to be ridden longer and be a better mover. Everything is based upon the horse
The Judging Criteria * SOUNDNESS- This means the horse tracks accurately with no degree of lameness. A Lame horse will show signs of limping and discomfort. Balance Structural Correctness Quality Muscle
What is Balance? Balance is how the horse matches up with the rest of its body A good balanced horse Equally divides into thirds Shoulder Middle Hindquarter Another trick is to use the top of the back and compare it to the bottom of the underline. The back should be ½ the length of the underline or a 2:1 ratio
Extremely Desirable Balance
Cube Horse
Tube Horse Also, known as the family horse….
What is Quality? How pretty the horse is When you look into a group of horses which one catches your eye and stands out to you? The horse that exemplifies the highest amount of Breed characteristics ( in other words can you tell it is a Quarter Horse or is it an Arabian) Referred to as Type Refinement and smoothness in the body
Adding on to Quality… Sex characteristic is important when judging A judge should easily be able to tell a stallion and mare apart…. What happens if we ignore this…?
Then our horses will start looking similar to this….
Structural Correctness Straight Legs There are multiple leg deviations that will create movement and long term issues for the horse A horse will always travel opposite of the deviation For Example: A toed in horse will wing out A toed out horse will wing in No leg braces for horses!
Muscle The largest amount of true muscle The areas that most easily determine this are the forearm and gaskin. Easy enough right? Arabians want smooth muscle like a swimmer. Quarter horses want bulky muscle much like a body builder
Lets Dumb it Down Pretty Beats Ugly Big Beats Little A Whole Beats A Part And A Dink is A Dink
Now its your turn. Using what you have learned, I will comprise a group of four horses. Place the horses determined on which you think is first and then end with your last place horse. For example: 1234 4132 4123 2413 3214 And so on…
Remember When Judging Halter Criteria: Balance Structure – (We are talking about legs here, that is what your reasons listener is going to think when they hear structure) Quality Muscle Try to judge the class based on your first impression and big picture, do not break all the details of the horses down. After you decide on an initial placing then it is okay to look further into details of each horse. Try not to do more than a pair flip if you think you made a mistake after your initial placing. Stick by your criteria!
Aged Stallions
Class: Aged Geldings
Class 7
Three Year Old Geldings