Photo 2 Photo 1 Photos taken by Dr. Daniel Ofstein
I have chosen my wife, Susan, as the subject of my photo assignment I have chosen my wife, Susan, as the subject of my photo assignment. She is a really special person and my best friend. Since I am not a photographer, this was a challenging project for me. I took the advice of the assignment and shot multiple photos then selected the best two. Photo 1 really exemplifies her amazing personality. I chose to do a more informal picture because that represents the kind of fun and unstructured lifestyle we lead. This is only one of her 10,000 smiles, but it says so much. It can be about sarcasm, or just giggling fun. Also, I tried to capture her big beautiful blue eyes. She melts me with these and I can never EVER say no to her (which she knows). We always joke about her giving me the big eyes when she wants something, and these break me every time. The location I chose was our kitchen. I did this because we spend quite a bit of time there cooking, eating or just hanging out. This pose in particular was about getting a natural reaction. I told her I was going to shoot the photos and then surprised her about when. I think it came out amazing. Photo 2 is my environmental picture. People may think that all my wife does is cook, however, that is not true (she is receiving her doctorate in therapy from Nova this weekend). Anyway, the reason I selected the kitchen for this photo is because Susan is the best cook I know. She learned from her grandmother and then continued to train herself. I have shared her food with Chefs at my school and they have all been impressed with her abilities. Here she is decorating a cake for her sister’s birthday. She loves to do things for other people and she never takes the short cuts. She will not put her name on anything she serves, unless she makes it herself and it is spectacular. Again, I did not want to take a staged pose, I went for more of an unstructured action shot. The one technique I really tried to focus on here was the “thirds” concept. I tried to make sure her face was in one of the intersections. When I checked in I-photo (it has that feature), I nailed it.