Metropolitan Functions Criteria: Decision and Control Research, Innovation und Culture Gateway-Functions Combined Index German Spatial Planning Report 2005
Indicators for Metropolitan Functions Decision and Control locations of business related services main banking locations locations of „global players“ (1000 enterprises with highest turnover worldwide) Research, Innovation and Culture share of knowledge-based professionals universities and research institutes cultural facilities and events Gateway-Functions airports and flight-connections, seaports trade fairs
Pendlerverflechtungen - Mittlere Distanz Commuting Patterns - Medium Distance Quelle Quelle: BBR – Laufende Raumbeobachtung
Pendlerverflechtungen – Weite Distanz Commuting Patterns – Long Distance Quelle: BBR – Laufende Raumbeobachtung
Entwurf M.Sinz und T.Pütz Metropolregionen als oberste Stufe eines zentralörtlichen Systems Metropolitan Areas as High-Level Central Places / Areas Es gilt, die Regelmäßigkeiten in der Herausbildung von Ländern, Regionen und Reichen aufzudecken, so dass eine europäische Ordnung, die verborgen ist hinter Staaten und Verwaltungsgrenzen, hinter Verkehrszentren und Menschen- zusammenballungen, sich enthüllt und sichtbar wird. Walter CHRISTALLER 1955 Entwurf M.Sinz und T.Pütz
Absolute Zu- und Abnahme des Inlandsverkehrs bis 2020 Growth and Decrease of Inland Traffic until 2020 Metropolregionen Quelle: Mobilität 2020. acatech (2006)
Verbindungsqualität zwischen Metropolregionen Standards of Connectivity between Metropolitan Regions
Metropolregionen in der Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft Neo Rauch Etappe 1998 Metropolitan Regions as „Natural Habitat“ of Knowledge Society
Patent-Anmeldungen (1992-94) am Erfindersitz Locational Pattern of Patents Applied For Quelle: Greif, Siegfried: Patentgeographie. In: RuR 2-3/2001, S.144
Broadband Science Net (Traffic Volume) Concept of Metropolitan Areas
.de - Domains per 1000 Inhabitants Land Prices per square meter Quelle: DENIC 2005 Quelle: BBR 2005
Territorial Agenda – Draft January 2007 Towards a More Competitive Europe of Diverse Regions
Objectives of the TAEU Improved use of territorial advantages in all regions for economic growth and employment Promoting economic growth also beyond the European core area (Pentagon) Strengthening cross-border and trans-national cooperation Strengthening regional identity and bringing EU closer to the citizens New understanding of governance: spatial development in a triad economy – science – administration
Six policy priorities of the TAEU: Urban/Regional Networking in a Polycentric Pattern Urban-Rural Partnership Clusters of Competitive and Innovative Regions Technological Networks (Transport, Telecom) Risk Management (climate change, technological and natural risks) Ecological Structures and Cultural Ressources
Timetable: 29 January 2007 Berlin Working meeting on TAEU (all 27 EU-MS) 14 March 2007 Berlin Conference on Metropolitan Regions 15 March 2007 Berlin Directors General Meeting on TAEU 26 March 2007 Berlin 24/25 May 2007 Leipzig Informal Ministerial Meeting on urban development and territorial cohesion
Neo Rauch Akademie im Wald 1998 Contact: