Objectives: Punctuate effectively; practice close reading Bell ringer: 3/03/2014 Objectives: Punctuate effectively; practice close reading Directions: Please add punctuation in order to correct these sentences. The menu for the 100 P.M. lunch includes empanadas egg rolls curried noodles and hummus I hope you are hungry Dear Barack Obama Please budget more money for improving schools in urban areas. We need your help so do not delay! 3. The airplane skidded down the runway to a halt before the big sign Welcome to Barbados
The Secret to Success – Essential Questions Please write in complete sentences. This should be the first entry in your English II notebook for this unit. Name 3/03/2014 Journal title: Essential Questions for Success Unit What does success look like to you? Do you see yourself going to college after high school? If yes, what do you want to study? If not, explain why not. Who succeeds and who fails? Why do some young people thrive while others lose their way?
Directions for small group close reading of excerpt from How Children Succeed Step 1: Read and annotate a paragraph aloud. Circle words you don’t understand and underline phrases or sentences which seem to be important to you. Step 2: At the end of each paragraph, stop and discuss what you’ve just read with your group members. Step 3: Follow this process with each paragraph.
Objectives: Punctuate effectively; write cohesively Bell ringer: 3/04/2014 Objectives: Punctuate effectively; write cohesively Directions: Please add punctuation in order to correct these sentences. The chickens clucked and the ducks quacked however the dogs didn’t make a sound Yes I recognize her she’s in my math class We made a salad with the following vegetables lettuce cucumbers zucchini and cherry tomatoes doesn’t that sound good
What is undermatching? Explain how it can be a problem. Please complete the following questions about the excerpt from How Children Succeed which was homework last night. What is undermatching? Explain how it can be a problem. According to this article, is GPA or ACT a better indicator of college success? What are character strengths? Do you think you possess those strengths?
Use commas, colons, and semicolons Write to explain Bell ringer: 3/05/2014 Objectives: Use commas, colons, and semicolons Write to explain Directions: Add only colons, semicolons, and commas to fix these sentences. The first ones to arrive were Christen Rekha and Gabrielle the rest of my friends came later. “Beyond talent lie all the usual words discipline love luck but most of all endurance.” -James Baldwin, author 3. Minimum equipment for camping is as follows a sleeping bag tent and cooking utensils hiking shoes would also help.
Peer conferencing 1. Read one of your personal essays to your group members. Group members should answer the following after listening attentively: -What did you like best about this essay? -Were there any parts that confused you or need more explaining? -What could your peer add that would strengthen his/her writing?
Write sentences using semicolons Write to explain Bell ringer: 3/06/2014 Objectives: Write sentences using semicolons Write to explain Directions: Log on to your computer. While you are waiting, complete this bell ringer. Write a sentence using a semicolon with a conjunctive adverb. Write a sentence using a semicolon to show the close relationship between two independent clauses.
Please go to the website listed below to complete the OneGoal application. Ms. Robin will give you your OneGoal ID. You will get credit for completing the application and extra credit if you bring in all parent forms signed. If you are not a sophomore, please type your essays in word and then email them to me at jlrobin@cps.edu. http://onegoal.tfaforms.net/workflows/start/1
Bell ringer: 3/07/2014 Objectives: Collaborate and plan performances What do you want your peers to learn from the performance our class is putting together?