Name: Student #ID: Teacher Name: S. Ramirez Social Studies February 24, 2015 Is it acceptable to impose your culture on another culture?
World History Ms.Ramirez Imperialism World History Ms.Ramirez
Analyze this Cartoon
The Imperialist Vision Imperialism- domination of a strong nation over a weak nation. NOTES 4
Who is involved? European Countries and the United States
NOTES Why? Industrial Revolution…. Money on trade: imports and exports NEED MORE RESOURCES
Analyze this Cartoon 7
NOTES Why Africa? Had Raw Materials Not Technologically advanced due to the Slave Trade and Colonization Ex. Berlin Conference- Cut up Africa,,,no Africans Present at meeting.
What do you think it means? What are the “dark corners” of the earth? The first step towards lightening The White Man’s Burden Is through teaching the virtues of cleanliness. Pear’s Soap Is a potent factor in brightening the dark corners of the earth as civilization advances, while amongst the cultural of all nations it holds highest place—it is the ideal toilet soup. What do you think it means? What are the “dark corners” of the earth?
The White Man’s Burden POEM MEANING Civilize the people Take up the White Man’s burden— Send forth the best ye breed— Go send your sons to exile To serve your captives' need To wait in heavy harness On fluttered folk and wild— Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half devil and half child Take up the White Man’s burden Civilize the people Justify Imperialism
INDIA NOTES G.B. owns India Set-up schools, railways, convert to Christianity. Not all Indians like this.
NOTES Sepoy Mutiny (India) 1857 Sepoy ( soldiers) Cartridges of new rifles were sealed with beef and pork fat. Muslims and Hindu will not touch it. Led to a Rebellion against the British 85-90 % Sepoy’s refused.
Isolated and lacked military technology Lots of Raw Materials CHINA NOTES Isolated and lacked military technology Lots of Raw Materials
The Opium Wars (1839-1842) China NOTES British sell opium to China so they can buy tea, silks, etc.. China is addicted and Stops buying it. GB declares war Result: China Must opens some ports
The Opium Wars in-china
Boxers- Chinese that rebelled against Europeans but lost Boxer Rebellion (1899-1900) Boxers- Chinese that rebelled against Europeans but lost NOTES
Boxer Rebellion
You can trade with China but not take it over!! Open door policy Notes You can trade with China but not take it over!!
Expansion of the Pacific notes NOTES Matthew C. Perry- goes to Japan Japan who was isolationists decide to open trade with the U.S.
NOTES EMPEROR MEIJI (JAPAN) New clothes New army “Westernize” New clothes New army Use Western Inventions
What does the US want? HINT
Why do we Want Hawaii?
Annexing Hawaii Queen Liliuokalani- hates the power of Planters Planters and U.S. Marines will take over Hawaii Sandford B. Dole -helps the overthrow, leads Hawaii until it is a state
U.S. help Panamanians to Kick out the Colombians… The Panama Canal notes Fast route to Pacific. Panama owns Colombia. U.S. help Panamanians to Kick out the Colombians… U.S. Gets it’s Canal