Oregon Literacy Plan Framework


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Presentation transcript:

Oregon Literacy Plan Framework

Three Elements Raise expectations Increase capacity Measure and report progress

Three Sets of Standards Learning Standards Teaching Standards System Standards

Learning Standards--traditional EL.01.RE.01: Identify letters, words, and sentences.

Learning Standards--new Content area literacy standards Science . . . because Pre-school standards

Learning Standards--new Academic language Technology and literacy

Pre-school Learning Standards Oral Language Alphabetic Code Print Knowledge and Concepts

Content Area Literacy Learning Standards Students should learn to read and/or write presentations that use scientific knowledge to explain, argue, or defend conclusions, theories, and ideas.

Teaching Standards What a teacher needs to know to enable student learning Parallel each of the learning standards

Science teachers should be able to implement strategies to teach students to represent scientific concepts and concept relationships in textual, symbolic, and graphics modes.

System Standards Standards for variables beyond student and teacher control Access to technology Books Professional development Summative assessment Extended time for literacy

Measure and Report Progress Monitor effectiveness Decision-making Instruction Policy Reflect new standards

SO WHAT? Raise expectations Increase capacity Measure and report progress

The Future Public input Continued development Collaborative efforts