YOGURT MAKING ILLUSTRATED How to Make Yogurt Adapted from: YOGURT MAKING ILLUSTRATED David B. Fankhauser, Ph.D. Professor of Biology and Chemistry U.C. Clermont College Batavia OH 45103
Yogurt A thick, custard-like, mildly acid food. Usually made by fermenting partly skim or skim milk with a starter culture (bacteria). Fruit or other flavorings may be added. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 1 Sterilize the jars and lids, to be used to make the yogurt. Place jars and lids in a five gallon pot -- such as a boiling water bath canner – and completely immerse in water. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 2 Cover and bring to boil. Boil for ten minutes. Turn off heat, do not remove lid. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 3 Use a pot with a thick bottom to bring milk to a boil. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 4 Add one gallon of milk to the pot. Use 2% or skimmed milk. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 5 Warm the milk over medium heat. Do not use high heat as the milk might burn on the bottom. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 6 Heat the milk to 185oF-195oF. Do not let boil. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 7 Place the still covered pot in a pan of clean cold water to cool it down. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 8 Cool the milk to 122oF – 130oF. Remove the pot from the cold water. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 9 Place one cup of the cooled milk in a two cup measure. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 10 Add enough fresh yogurt to bring the level up to two cups. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 11 Stir to blend the yogurt starter into the cooled milk until it is homogeneous. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 12 Add the yogurt-milk slurry slowly to the cooled milk with stirring. Stir very well to thoroughly distribute the yogurt starter. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 13 Once thoroughly mixed, distribute the inoculated milk to the sterilized jars, filling to the neck. Cover immediately with sterile tops. Tighten well. Avoid hand contact with milk to avoid contamination. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 14 Warm a gallon of fresh clean water to 131oF, pour into a clean cooler. Place in a warm location. Carefully set the jars of inoculated milk in the water so the bottom of the lids are above the water. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 15 Check to see that the water in the cooler is not below 122oF or above 130oF. C-5.02 -- Yogurt
Step 16 Let sit undisturbed for three hours. C-5.02 -- Yogurt