802.11REVmc Editor’s Report – July 2014 May 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0051r2 May 2014 802.11REVmc Editor’s Report – July 2014 Date: 2014-06-24 Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2014 Acknowledgement The following folks have aided the technical editor in one way or another during the development of REVmc: Dorothy Stanley, Jon Rosdahl, Mark Hamilton, Mark Rison, Peter Ecclesine, Mike Montemurro, Liwen Chu, Eldad Perahia, Brian Hart, Sai Shankar, James {Yee|Wang|P.K. Gilb}, Assaf Kasher, Carlos Cordeiro, Edward Au, Kaberi Banerjee, Rich Kennedy, Yongho Seok, Carlos Aldana, Gabor Bajko And thank you to Edward Au and Emily Qi, who are sub-editors. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Editor training for new sub-editors May 2014 Editor training for new sub-editors Tasks to learn Operation of database Getting the tools Operation through various use cases Filtering operations / search & view Editing comment resolutions Bulk updates Editing status /notes update Interfacing to ePoll and/or MyProject Comment lifecycle Resolving editorial comments Writing editorial comment resolutions Speculative editing in parallel - how to manage Source/version control & parallel editing Subversion tool Repository and credentials Managing parallel editing Via the tool - using "lock" Via informal management Time division Clause division Handling global changes Editing the draft Handling graphics Tagging changes Procedure for a roll-in Phase 1 - content Phase 2 - cross references Creating the redline Volunteer panel review Soliciting volunteers Instructions for review How to respond to reported defects Interactions with IEEE-SA staff MEC - mandatory editorial coordination Publication process MDR responsibilities Managing MDR Compiling the MIB A training program has been established for Emily and Edward We have identified a series of tasks and will be having periodic meetings to train in those tasks Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2014 Status of Draft Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2014 Page Count Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Reference Documents Draft: P802.11REVmc D3.0 (members’ area) May 2014 Reference Documents Draft: P802.11REVmc D3.0 (members’ area) WG Ballot composite comments 11-13/0233 LB193 comments start at CID 1000 LB199 comments start at CID 2000 LB202 comments start at CID 3000 Includes pre-ballot comments MAC comment resolutions 11-13/0361 GEN comment resolutions 11-14/0562 MAC/GEN sheets usually used for motioning tech resolutions. Composite SS may lag contents of these sheets during a session, but is the eventual resting place of approved resolutions. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Comments by ad-hoc Data as of 2014-06-24 May 2014 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2014 Details Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2014 Comments by commenter Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
May 2014 Assignees Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation