How Well Do You Manage Your Time? Time Management Quiz
Taking the Quiz Read each question and mark Not at All, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, or Very Often as your response. Tally your score. Please note some questions range from 1-5 points, while others range from 5-1.
Scoring 55-75 You’re managing time effectively overall! Remember, there’s always room for improvement in small areas. Look at trends to see where time mgmt. can be improved.
Scoring 35-54 You’re very good at some things, but need to focus on serious issues. Look at trends to see where time mgmt. can be improved.
Scoring 15-34 Ouch! The good news is that you have a great opportunity to improve for success. Look at trends to see where time mgmt. can be improved.
Motivation Questions 6, 11, 12, 14, 15 Look to see if you are scoring more 1’s & 2’s on these questions or more 4’s & 5’s.
Motivation– What is It? How do I get it? The ability to do a task, even when you don’t want to. Promise It. Befriend Discomfort/Change your Attitude. Sweeten the Task Talk about how bad it is Turn up the Pressure/Turn down the Pressure Adopt a model from someone you view as successful Weigh the payoffs and the costs Do It Later Heed the Message
Are You Motivated Intrinsically or Extrinsically? Intrinsic Motivators are internal. To do something you love To learn valuable information To be prepared for a certain career To be financially successful/independent Example Intrinsic Goal: I want a 3.5 gpa a. to know that I know the material b. to get into the graduate school that I want to attend Extrinsic Motivators are from external sources. Because your family/friends expect you to Because it is a requirement to learn the information Because it’s a requirement to get a better job Example Extrinsic Goal: I want a 3.5 gpa a. to make my family proud b. my significant other wants me to attend a specific graduate school.
Extrinsic Motivators Work, BUT Intrinsic Motivators Work Better! If you have intrinsic motivators, you will have more of a drive to meet your goals. “The best guarantee of a man’s success in his profession is that he thinks it is the finest in the world.” Anonymous Students with Intrinsic Goals Tend to put more effort into their education Exercise self-discipline more frequently Find more ways to overcome problems and challenges Reach their goals more frequently
Procrastination “Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow?” Questions 2, 10, 12 Look to see if you are scoring more 1’s & 2’s on these questions or more 4’s & 5’s. Recognize why you procrastinate: fear of failure perfectionism indecision fear of success better under pressure apathy Fear of Failure---it’s better to postpone or not do it at all rather than fail Perfectionism---it’s better to postpone or not do it at all rather than not do it perfectly or not meet my standards. Indecision---Not sure what to do, how to begin Fear of Success---it’s better to postpone or not do it at all rather than achieve success and be expected to do that repeatedly. Better under pressure---it’s true the nervous energy you feel under pressure makes you work at a faster pace, but it doesn’t mean it helps you to do quality work. Generally quality work needs time to create and generate ideas. The idea that you are better under pressure may just be a rationalization b/c you choose to only work under pressure.
Beating Procrastination Reward yourself for doing tasks Set early deadlines Start with the tasks that interest you the most Conquer large tasks by dividing them into smaller ones—short work sessions Set Goals for your class work. Visualize how getting an assignment done directly relates to your future goals Don’t work near distractions i.e. people who are not working, cell phones, e-mail, text messages, TV, etc. How can you better motivate yourself? How to change any habit? 1. Choose and commit to a new behavior 2. Get Feedback Often & Support 3. Practice, Practice, Practice
Prioritization Questions 1, 8, 9, 15 Look to see if you are scoring more 1’s & 2’s on these questions or more 4’s & 5’s. Without prioritizing, you may be working very hard, but you won’t be achieving the results you desire. Urgency– tasks close to a deadline or due date Gravity– tasks that carry the heaviest “weight” 20 Tasks Activity– 20 Tasks You Must Do This Week Write down 20 things that you must accomplish this week. Pick the 5 most important. Star. Pick the 5 least important. Note in some way as well.
Scheduling Questions 3, 4, 7, 12 Look to see if you are scoring more 1’s & 2’s on these questions or more 4’s & 5’s Once you know your goals & priorities, then you need to create a schedule that keeps you on track. Create a balanced schedule that includes work time but also time to relax, refuel, and recharge. Do in Class Schedule/Take 20 items and see if you can fit all on your schedule/time plan. Most tend to notice they have no free time, or a ton of free time and could add in some academic time to make another week less stressful.
How Do You Spend Your Time? Create a Week Schedule List Everything–classes, work, study time for specific courses, tv time, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, dining, tasks related to family, friend time, hobbies, meetings, gym time, time in car, fun time, etc. * items that are high priority ~ items that are low priority & could be rearranged if unscheduled interruptions occur
Managing Interruptions—Planning for the Unexpected Questions 5, 9, 11, 12 Look to see if you are scoring more 1’s & 2’s on these questions or more 4’s & 5’s Leave room in schedule for interruptions by scheduling contingency time for unexpected events Manage interruptions during time set aside for low priority tasks; rearrange schedule Some interruptions do need to be dealt with immediately, and some interruptions aren’t emergencies. Learning to tell the difference is important. Having a plan and knowing how to prioritize is one thing. Knowing what to do to minimize interruptions you face is another issue.