Religions of the World: Judaism
Hebrews - Founders of Judaism: Most sacred text - Torah They once lived in Mesopotamia and migrated to Canaan. Monotheistic/One god Ten Commandments (laws) – Appear 2x in the Torah (Exodus and Deuteronomy)
Prophets: Urged Hebrews to obey God’s laws Preached strong code of ethics (moral standards) Urged personal morality and social justice, calling on the rich and powerful to protect the poor and weak
Hebrews: Established Israel by 1000 B.C. Solomon’s temple built in Jerusalem Lived under foreign rulers until about 2000 years ago when they were forced to leave their homeland The scattering of Jews sent them to different parts of the world… Diaspora They kept close knit communities and kept their traditions
First 5 books of Torah: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Bar Mitzvah: Boys become responsible for observing the commandments Happens when they’re 13 Bat Mitzvah - same thing for girls (when they reach the age of 12)
Kosher: The type of food that an Orthodox Jew must always eat Observing Jewish food laws Restrictions on the foods suitable for Jews are derived from rules in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy Strict observance of these rules today is confined mainly to Orthodox Jews
Kosher (Continued): Restrictions include: a. Animals must be slaughtered and prepared in a prescribed way (i.e., blood is drained from the body) b. Certain creatures (notably pigs and shellfish) are forbidden altogether c. Only animals that chew their cud and have cloven hooves are kosher. Thus, beef, sheep, lamb, goats and deer may be eaten as long as they have no diseases or flaws
Kosher (Continued): d. Pig, camel and rabbits are forbidden to eat e. Meat and milk must not be combined or eaten together at the same meal (3-6 hours apart) f. Separate utensils must be kept for each
Moses: Person who led the Jews out of Egypt
rabbi: Religious teacher of Judaism
Animal never eaten by Jewish b/c it has split hooves and is unclean: pig
Holy Land for Jewish people: Israel
CHRISTIANITY: Founder was a Jew named Jesus Was prophesied to be the messiah (savior sent by God to lead the Jews to freedom) Teachings of Jesus are firmly rooted in Jewish religion Believed in 1 God / accepted the 10 commandments (laws given to Jews) Jesus called himself the son of God and taught that his mission was to bring salvation and eternal life to all of God’s children Mercy/sympathy for poor and helpless Include forgiveness and love for enemies
Continued… Followers believed Jesus had risen from the dead and ascended into heaven. Eventually, some Jews accepted Christ’s teachings and became the first Christians Was a sect of Judaism until it spread to non-Jews
Catholicism: Was the only type of Christianity when it first started
Other major group of Christianity: Protestant Any form of Christianity that does not fall under Catholicism or Eastern Orthodox Christian are considered Protestants (i.e., Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, Presbyterian, Methodist, Evangelical, Episcopal, Amish, Mennonite, Jehovah’s Witness, etc.,)
The Trinity: Father Son Holy spirit / ghost
First 4 books of the New Testament: Gospels
Pope: Leader of the Catholic Church
Baptism: The religious rite of sprinkling water onto the forehead of a person (usually when he/she is an infant) or immersing him/her in water, symbolizing admission to the Christian Church. Some, however, think it is to remove original sin (purification). Some Christians believe this shouldn’t be done until one is an adult so that the person can truly understand what it is that’s happening and can take an active part
Crucifixion: Method used to kill Jesus, which was a typical form of execution during that time