“Learn from the Past and Finish Strong” The 2nd Half “Learn from the Past and Finish Strong” 11/30/2018 "Changing neural pathways every class period."
"Changing neural pathways every class period." 1. The Path Forward Personal IT Selection b – c SMCR Rich-Lean ROT Collective IT Selection 1. Diffusion of Innovation 2. Innovation Use 3. Marketing Distribution IT Impact 1. Sensemaking (Personal) 2. ICT Literacy 3. Knowledge Management (Organizational) 11/30/2018 "Changing neural pathways every class period."
2. Major Remaining Challenges Final Case Final Group Evaluations Final Exam Take Home Essays Based On: Class Lectures Case Presentations ICT Literacy Exam 11/30/2018 "Changing neural pathways every class period."
3. Information & Computing Technology Literacy (ICT) What is it? Define, Access, Manage, Evaluate, Integrate, Create, and Communicate How can you assess it? http://www.ets.org/portal/site/ets/menuitem.1488512ecfd5b8849a77b13bc3921509/?vgnextoid=f7e9af5e44df4010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD&vgnextchannel=dc8414ee98459010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD 11/30/2018 "Changing neural pathways every class period."
"Changing neural pathways every class period." ICT Literacy (cont’d) Why is it important to the communication faculty? Help us to continuously improve Provide valued research opportunities Why is it important to you? Understand job skills critical for employers Demonstrate your ability Target improvement areas (personal feedback) http://www.ets.org/Media/Tests/ICT_Literacy/pdf/ICT_Literacy_Score_Report.pdf 11/30/2018 "Changing neural pathways every class period."
"Changing neural pathways every class period." ICT Literacy (cont’d) What’s next? Where? General Access Computer Lab J How long? 90 minutes When? (sign up – 20/session limit) Monday 26th 4 p.m. Monday 26th 6 p.m. Tuesday 27th 4 p.m. Tuesday 27th 6 p.m. 11/30/2018 "Changing neural pathways every class period."