National Implementation of CSIS Core Functions: PERU Gabriela Quiroz Mosquera WMO International Workshop on CSIS Operations & Coordination, Nanjing, China, 21-24 March 2017
Peru Disaster Risk Management Seasonal/Monthly Prediction: Heavy rainfalls & rainfall deficit Potencial partners in service delivery: Regional and local goverments National Authority of Water CENEPRED & INDECI: Prevention and Control Emergency Operation Centers for each Ministry NGO’s / Subscriptors NMH requirements for RCC/GPC’s and other entities: Trainings programs (Effective Communication of Climate Services, Numerical Models, Subseasonal Prediction, Data Management System) Access to wind data (850, 500 and 200 hPa) from GPCLRF Access to monthly outputs from European Model. Invest efforts together to improve the model prediction skill on Region El Niño 1+2. Access to more regional simulations groups for South America from CORDEX.
Peru Disaster Risk Management Seasonal/Monthly Prediction: Heavy rainfalls & rainfall deficit NMH requirements for RCC/GPC’s and other entities: Access to Models validation. Spaces for dialogue Share climate politics elements or experience NMH/RCC requirements for CST: Take into account a Interaction Portal in order to share topics: good practices providing climate services, advices from other specialists, communication of uncertainty, etc. Estrategies for dissemination of climate information: How to design a stakeholders map, Communication Management (proccess). Elements of an action plan for next 12 months: Write a Workplan Choose key indicators for evaluating Climate Service delivery (seasonal-bulletin) Data management System results.
Thank you Merci