Development of Information Society and the Role of Education, Research and Culture Tina Vuga Centre for eGovernance Development for South East Europe (SEE) CeGD eGovernance Academy Coordinator
Connecting concepts Future Knowledge society Culture, education and research Innovation and creativity Europe (EU) and South East Europe Information society development eGovernance and ICT
About CeGD and its Stakeholders Established in 2008 Located in Ljubljana, Slovenia Stakeholders: Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Government of Slovenia (EU Presidency 2008) UNDP eLead programme (eCapacity, eDemocracy in eNetworking) INA Academy (Greece) European Foundation (Spain) Microsoft Siemens SRC.SI (CeGD Knowledge base portal) Slovenia New members: Cisco, SMEs / Governments
Vision of CeGD ''CEGDs vision is to achieve the successful development of Information Society in South East Europe (SEE), that will contribute to the future development of European continent.
7 ePillars Model of Single SEE Information Space and Inclusive Information Society - 7 key spheres of social life
Framework of the model development by pillars Principles: -Excellent researchers and high level expertise -Setting own research agenda -Broad interdisciplinarity, networking, exchange of skills and knowledge, high rate of exchange (public-private) -Dynamic role of CeGD – regional node -International recognition and influence 3 components: 1.Policy environment 2.Legal framework 3.ICT business solutions
Policy environment and Legal framework Political & Policy will 80% and leadership Long term strategies & short term action (budget) eGovernance as a tool for achieving good governance (civitas) – bridging the gap G2G effectiveness of horizontal governance – the principle of horizontal, intersectoral cooperation G2EU and EU Accession process (acquis communautaire) NOT TO FIT FOR ALL
eEducation, eResearch and eCulture Pillar Culture as a catalyst of creativity and innovation – strong research component – further enabling the achievement of Lisbon goals (growth, employment, innovations, competitive position) Education at all levels (children to life long learning) – awareness building! Culture as common denominator for EU (European) international relations – competitive advantage! NOT TO FIT FOR ALL
ICT business solutions for culture, research and education To know where and when to use … Digitalisation, ICT as a tool – inclusion and access to cultural heritage, promotion (new, attractive solutions to present cultural traditions), new ways of learning, new perspective of culture Good practice cases (horizontal and inter / intrasectoral cooperation) Use domestic knowledge - complementing global solutions NOT TO FIT FOR ALL
Conclusion Cohabit of diverse cultural traditions is (not shall be) the key competitive advantage of Europe. Further enrichment is expected with cultural traditions of countries in accession (future: SEE). The process of active involvement in building a common European cultural space, we can further employ culture to bring about the added value to the development of the European continent as a whole.
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Tina Vuga Center for eGovernance Development for South East Europe (SEE) Tel. (office):