Impact of the evaluations and follow-up activities M. Assunção, 13 October 2008 EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme, Workshop for Universities: round 2008 – 2009, Brussels
Contents CRE audit and follow-up process ( 1995/1997) EUA institutional evaluation (2007) –recommendations in the external report and implementation of concrete actions –other impacts of the evaluation process
CRE audit (1995) and follow-up: three key issues (1) Reinforce the role of department heads: –promote the appointment of senior professors as heads of department; –appoint qualified administrative staff to assist heads of department ; –provide training for departments main representatives;
Adapt configuration and functioning of University structures: –transversal Institutes to give coherence to matrix structure Improve management of human resources, namely those allocated to teaching: –pay careful attention to the allocation of administrative and technical staff to departments (avoid tendency of central administration to keep the best); –pursue and step up continuing professional training for administrative and technical staff; –rethink ways of rewarding teaching ability, including the identification of objective evidence for consideration in career advancement (in addition to scientific merit). Three key issues (2)
dissemination of the external report inside and outside the University, coupled with discussions in the Senate and other main bodies of the University, to make aware and motivate members of the community for change: –choosing objectives and building a vision; –taking care of the human environment; –paying attention to a complex organisation - consolidating an organic structure appropriated to the University. Other consequences of the 1995 evaluation (1)
Initiatives triggered by the external audit –re-evaluation of teaching/learning taking (also) into account results from evaluated undergraduate studies (national programme), self-evaluation internal report for 1st year in Science and Technology, internal report on factors for success/failure; –reinforcement of post-graduation policy following approval of a strategic document at the Senate; –Senate approval of a strategic charta for interaction with external partners; –setting up of a study regarding Professional Placement of University Graduates; –creation of structures in the field of Quality, Evaluation and Procedures; –merging of departments (?) Other consequences of the 1995 evaluation (2)
Immaterial impacts of the evaluation –contribution (along with other evaluation programmes going to) to an institutional culture of increasing concern for evaluation and quality; –quite often is much easier to convince the institution about necessary steps if they are pointed out by someone from outside; Other consequences of the 1995 evaluation (3)
EUA Institutional evaluation (2007) – recommendations and concrete actions (1) Regarding strategy –put the University at the centre of regional development –to stay alone or form alliances with one or more universities? –create the right structures for doctoral education –find balance between specialisation and breath –the mix of young and older students (traditional publics and new publics) as a contribution to a stimulating environment
To ensure a sound quality culture (along with ENQA guidelines) –evaluation of departments, research units and administrative services two pilot projects aiming at the definition of a methodology to be used institution wide –evaluation questionnaires (extended also for alumni and employers) –better exploitation of the Integrated Information System EUA Institutional evaluation (2007) – recommendations and concrete actions (2)
Organic Unit 1 ….. Organic Unit n Management Education Research Administrative support Central Management Operational role Education Research Administrative support Local Management –re-structuring QA EUA Institutional evaluation (2007) – recommendations and concrete actions (3)
Regarding service to society –outreach to the community internal task force to promote regional cooperation –knowledge transfer incubator as a network, science park (?), clusters at regional and national level EUA Institutional evaluation (2007) – recommendations and concrete actions (4)
Action plan (from self-evaluation – SWOT, contribution by external evaluators and consulting team) –key performance indicators –related tasks regarding development and consolidation of the University asserting UA as a centre of international excellence promotion of partnerships with society working document being used for dialogue with Ministry EUA Institutional evaluation (2007) – recommendations and concrete actions (5)
Other impacts at internal and external level (1) The self evaluation process contributed to: –mobilisation of main University actors and representatives for (the necessary discussion regarding) the development of a strategy based on shared understanding, analysis and data
Other impacts at internal and external level (2) The self-evaluation report allowed: –to gain self-awareness and to improve internal communication regarding strategic goals strengths (ex. in research) weaknesses (ex.: in monitoring quality, lack of specific indicators)
Expert visits concurred to: –an (internally) enlarged perception of how participation is important for an appropriate opinion making process –stimulate the relationship between the University and the region through the involvement of main regional players (UA perceived as part of the region; the region understanding the importance of participating in University life) Other impacts at internal and external level (3)
External report and dissemination lead to: –(internally) the valorisation (through an external eye) of important institutional aspects hidden due to everyday proximity and routine –added trustworthiness, either internally and externally, to initiatives already taken or about to be implemented –added evidence for both the quality of the institution and the correctness of its strategic choices (to stakeholders, particularly HE Ministry) righteousness Other impacts at internal and external level (4)