Exploring the role self-organisation in peri-urban transitions


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring the role self-organisation in peri-urban transitions 11/30/2018 Exploring the role self-organisation in peri-urban transitions Ward Rauws

11/30/2018 Aims Understanding the role of self-organization in changing urban-rural relationships Deriving conditions under which self-organization occurs

Based on… Comparative research on the development of peri-urban zones in 6 European urban regions Montpellier (France), Warsaw (Poland), The Hague (NL), Leipzig (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Manchester (GB) 6th framework programme www.plurel.net

Motive Zone in between the urban and the rural Important zone for sustainalibity and quality of life in urban regions. (Bocz et al, 2008) Limited role of planning (Mattingly, 1999) Intrinsic dynamics (Allen, 2003, Foot, 2000) Complex System perspective (CS) Borsdorf (2004)

CS perspective on peri-urban area 11/30/2018 CS perspective on peri-urban area Continuously evolving systems at the edge of order and chaos (Waldrop, 2002) Multi level drivers Co-evolution Path-dependency Self-organization

How do we understand self-organization? 11/30/2018 How do we understand self-organization? As a part complex system behaviour A process that gives rise to new structures, patterns and organizations emerging from the interaction between elements or actors without external coordination (Heylighen, 2008). innovation Autonomous process Not to confuse with individual autonomy. Important to stress is that self-organisation should not be

The concept of transition Adaption process to chancing circumstances “a set of interconnected changes, which reinforce each other but take place in different area, such as technology, economy, institutions, ecology cultural behaviour and belief systems” (Rotmans & Kemp 2003, p. 9) A transition is a structural change of a system.

Transition in the peri-urban area 06-02-2009 | 8 Transition in the peri-urban area Urban-rural integrated Urban-rural divide See Rauws and De Roo, Planning Theory & Practice 2011(2)

Concept of transition Dynamics Robustness Relative stability 06-02-2009 Concept of transition Relative stability Dynamics Robustness Relative stability

What is the role of self-organisation in transition? 1. Amplyfing system dynamics Spontanous change Innovation

What is the role of self-organisation in transition? 2. Supporting robustness S-O gives rise to new structures, patterns and organizations

[…] […] time time […] time De Roo, 2008 12

What is the role of self-organisation in transition? 2. Supporting robustness S-O gives rise to new structures, patterns and organizations Part of new regime, ordering development of the system ‘Slaving principle (Haken, 1987)

4 examples from practice Why understood as self-organization? Spontaneous organization without coordination Causing innovation How contribution to a peri-urban transition? Intensifying urban-rural interaction Amplifying dynamics Supporting robustness What are critical conditions?

Argitoursim network Montpellier 11/30/2018 Argitoursim network Montpellier Wine crisis Development agritourism activities: rural festivals, donkey rides Network argitourism

Heliotropism in Montpellier Construction of cottages in peri-urban area Pleasant climate + attractive landscape Decentralization

Urban sprawl Warsaw andLeipzig Detached housing and shopping malls in surroundings Warsaw and Leipzig Poor living circumstances Lack of regulation after 1989

Big Five – The Hague Leisure centre at an Old land fill Based on initiatives of entrepreneurs Adventure leisure less strict regulations

Critical conditions Conditions: Decline dominate structures Creativity local actors Triggering contextual trends

Conclusions Self-organization : Evolve at the edge of order and chaos: 11/30/2018 Conclusions Self-organization : Evolve at the edge of order and chaos: contributing to change of function and structure of the system Self-ordening + self-producing > qualitative change demand-oriented Scale depended Dynamics > innovation, autonomous Robustness > connecting, structures

What can planners learn? 11/30/2018 What can planners learn? (partly) autonomous processes Focus on adaptation instead of control Experimental zones Carrying structures

11/30/2018 Future challenges Conducting more detail case study research on the conditions of self-organisation in peri-urban area. collective private commissioning (plaatje)

11/30/2018 Future challenges Enhancing our understanding how self-organization contributes to the shifting balance between robust en dynamic. Flexible / dynamic competition complementair Robust cohesion compatible Complex system


Adaptive strategies Identifying future contextual drivers 11/30/2018 Adaptive strategies Identifying future contextual drivers Experimental zones for exploring future paths Adaptive spatial concepts Flexible regional management Dynamics: how to develop more adaptive planning Fragmented: how to reach coherent spatial structures? Different places: how to develop common goals and build on collaborative planning efforts?

Contact Prof. dr. Gert de Roo g.de.roo@rug.nl Ward Rauws, MsC 11/30/2018 Contact Prof. dr. Gert de Roo g.de.roo@rug.nl Ward Rauws, MsC w.s.rauws@rug.nl Faculty of Spatial Sciences Department of Planning +31 (0) 50 363 3895 www.rug.nl/frw