Examining ESL Students’ Motivation, Readiness and Stress in Learning English through Blended Learning Ayomi Weerakoon Department of Languages Australian College of Business and Technology, Sri Lanka 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Structure Introduction Limitations Goal Introducing primary data Findings Literature Review Discussion Research gaps Conclusion Methodology 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Introduction Computer has become an inseparable part of everyday life since the introduction of electronic media in general and it is considered as a reliable means of information transfer in communication. Internet can be used as an authentic pedagogical tool which facilitates teaching and learning process. Internet based teaching methods: Online learning, Web based learning, e-learning, distance learning An effective online teaching and learning program: “BLENDED LEARNING (BL)” 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Blended Learning “Blended learning is a combination of face-to-face and online instruction. It is a term which is increasingly utilized to describe the way e- learning is being combined with traditional classroom methods and create a new hybrid teaching method”. (Throne, 2003) 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Goal To examine English as a Second Language (ESL) students’ motivation, readiness and stress towards learning English using Blended Learning (BL) and make implications in order to employ BL as a means of fostering students’ language learning experience. Lets move to the goal of this pilot study 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Literature Review Researcher Findings Chitravelu, et al. (1995) Table: 01 Literature Review Researcher Findings Chitravelu, et al. (1995) The arrival of technology and the promotion of virtual learning environment (VLE) seem to be very significant in educating students for two reasons: firstly, learning language through the web would simultaneously result in students learning to operate freely within this K- based environment (knowledge based environment), and secondly, it is potential for helping students to learn effectively. Ruiz et al (2006) By using blended learning, learners can control over content, learning sequence, pace of learning and time to meet their learning objectives. Students do not see blended learning as replacing traditional classroom method but as a complement to it. 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Researcher Findings Soylu (2006) The more students participated in the online discussion forums, the more they achieved and the more positive views they developed towards Blended Learning. Moreover, the study came up with the conclusion that both face-to-face lectures and online tasks contributed to the learning process Adas, D. & Wafa, A. (2011) The students attitudes toward Blended Learning are positive in terms of the process, ease of use and content. Moreover, this study reflects the students’ internet and IT skills and interests due to internet availability and accessibility. 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Researcher Findings Lungu (2013) Blended learning approach provides usefulness namely, students learn quicker and better through a virtual learning environment (VLE) which offers flexibility, autonomy and self-pacing according to learners interests and needs and teachers have more time to do what they do best to create interesting lessons 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Blended Learning: Research Gaps Blended learning in Sri Lankan context Lack of studies to examine the development of writing, vocabulary and grammar through BL. Not enough studies on blended learning in low resource ESL contexts. 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Methodology Research Question: What is the level of student satisfaction, student willingness and student stress towards blended learning approach? Methodology: Mixed method (Qualitative and Quantitative) Research tools: Questionnaire and unstructured interviews Data analysis : Descriptive data analysis & Thematic analysis Setting: ESL classroom (Australian College of Business and Technology) Participants: 50 students who are taking the diploma in English at the Department of Languages. 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Limitations Participants: only from the Department of Languages Very short answers for the open-ended questions Some students hesitated to talk in interviews 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Primary data: Questionnaire and interview Table 02 Thematic Analysis 1st section 2nd section 3rd section i. Computer Literacy i. Learning English by computers enhances language learning preference (Satisfaction) i. BL: a beneficial way to improve new knowledge ii. Availability of personal computers & Internet access ii. Preference to learn in a BL environment (Willingness) ii. Computer literacy skills should be improved iii. Power supply iii. Blended Learning is stressful (Stress) iii. Network issues should be reduced iv. Students’ experience on e-learning/ blended learning iv. Face to Face instruction is better than BL 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Findings: Section : 01 Figure 01 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
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Findings: Section 02 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
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Dnt like challenging activities, 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Findings: Section 03 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Discussion Majority of the students expressed their positive attitudes towards the blended learning approach. Out of 50 students 85% of students expressed their positive inclination towards this learning program. In terms of student satisfaction, findings of this study reveal that the level of student satisfaction is high and this indicates that in general, the students are feeling satisfied with BL. Majority of them agreed that by using BL, the quality of interaction with their lecturer in this course has increased. 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
The similar findings occurred to the level of student willingness in which the findings revealed that the respondents have a high level of student willingness. This signifies that most of the students believed that BL has given them pleasure to learn English. As for the level of student stress, findings show that the level of student stress is low. The factors lead to student stress is due to the absence of the teacher in virtual environment and network issues. 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
The mixed findings suggest that technology should be integrated appropriately and effectively within classroom in order to improve and maximize students’ learning outcomes. The study can be concluded that although the students came up with some issues regarding this new learning process, most of them expressed their high interest and preference towards learning English in a blended learning environment . 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
Conclusion The study suggests that changes to teaching and learning methods need to be introduced over time and across the whole curriculum in order to become acceptable to most students. Whether the implementation of integrating BL in traditional classroom is excited, or challenged, or perhaps terrified as it is a new approach, the fact remains that the emergence of technologies are increasingly being infused in education and do give significant effect on student satisfaction, willingness and stress. 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018
References Adas, D. & Wafa, A. S. (2011). Students’ perceptions towards blended learning environment using the OCC. An Najah Univ. J. Res. (Humanities), 25 (6), 1682-1710. Chitravelu, N., Sithamparam, S., & Choon, T.S. (1995). ELT Methodology Principles and Practice, Malaysia: PenerbitFajarBaktiSdn. Bhd. Ginns, R., & Ellis, R. (2007). Quality in blended learning: Exploring the relationships between on-line and face-to face teaching and learning. The Internet and Higher Education, 10(1), 53-64. Lungu, I. (2013). The Increasing Need for Blended Learning Models in Courses of English for Specific Courses in Romanian Universities. Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences 76, 470-475. Ruiz, J. G., Mintzer, M. J. & Leipzig, R. M. (2006). The impact of e-learning in medical education. Academic Medicine, Vol. 81, No. 3, 207-212. Soylu, M. (2006). A study on students’ views on Blended learning environment. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. 7 (3). 43-56. Thorne, K. (2003). Blended learning: How to integrate online and traditional learning. Kogan Page. London: UK.
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