Anabel Cruz and Lucía Pérez Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo (ICD), Uruguay Older Adults in Uruguay: Actors of Civic Service and Volunteerism
Why is this study relevant? 1.Uruguay 2.Population 3. Social context
When do they (we) become elder? Not only persons older than… BUT ALSO Cultural context Social Roles Physical implications Emotional consequences
What did we do? Older adults in a leading role A win-win situation: benefits for all Which are the best and most adequate forms and the most suitable programs to recruit and retain volunteers for voluntary action?
How did we do it? VolunteersVolunteers FormsForms Host OrganizationsHost Organizations Qualitative research Qualitative research Quantitative research Quantitative research Mapping of Organizations Mapping of Organizations Bibliography Bibliography In-depth Interviews In-depth Interviews Phone survey Phone survey Focus groups Focus groups
How did we do it? VolunteersVolunteers FormsForms Host OrganizationsHost Organizations Qualitative research Qualitative research Quantitative research Quantitative research Mapping of Organizations Mapping of Organizations Bibliography Bibliography In-depth Interviews In-depth Interviews Phone survey Phone survey Focus groups Focus groups
Main findings Some conclusions Older Adults in Uruguay: Actors of Civic Service and Volunteerism
Volunteerism among elders
Elders Civic Participation
Profile of the organizations Different origins and sources Time and experience in the field Strong structure Human and financial resources Contracts and subventions
What do the elders do? Undercover volunteering Explicit volunteering Recreational activities Handy craft, artistic and intellectual activities Sport activities Charity Civic service Social promotion
Some innovative proposals Old Doctors Elders tour guides Grandparents by choice
Elders and Youth YouthElders Big impact goals Activities aimed at community level target An exit door form the labour market Return on the investment Micro goals, long term process Activities aimed specially to elders Philanthropy, solidarity, social commitment An entry door to the labour market Investment in the future
Strategies for promoting elders volunteerism A national register of elder volunteer proposals Civil programs sponsored by government Pre-retirement training courses Promote programs focus in one to one attention, like coaches, mentors, advisors
Future lines of research First empirical study A study of the general impact of the programs How to strengthen civic service Comparative study with other Latin American countries