Grammar Active - Passive Voice By: - Nityanandesh Narayan Tripathi (PGT English) JNV, Baghmara, Meghalaya
What is Voice? Voice is that form of a verb which shows whether what is denoted by the subject does something or has something done to it.
What is Active Voice? A girl is Playing The football. A Verb is in the Active Voice when its form shows that The person or thing denoted by the Subject does something. E.g.. Subject is passing an action on Object. A girl is Playing The football. (Subject) (Object)
What is Passive Voice? The football is being Played by a Girl. A Verb is in the Passive Voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject. E.g.. Action is passed on Subject by Object The football is being Played by a Girl. (Subject) (Object)
The Active Voice is used when: - What is use of Active Voice? The Active Voice is used when: - The Agent is to be made prominent. The doer is important. The doer is referred by the proper name.
The Passive Voice is used when: - What is use of Passive Voice? The Passive Voice is used when: - The Agent is not to be made prominent. The doer is not important. The doer is referred by the vague pronouns like somebody, people, we, etc..
Conversion Rule Chart (Pronoun) Person Subject Object First I Me We Us Second You Third He Him She Her It They Them
Conversion Rule Chart (Auxiliary Verb) Tense (or Modal) Active Voice Passive Voice Simple Present Do, does Am, Is, Are Present Continuous Am being, Is being, Are being Present Perfect Has, Have Has been, Have been Simple Past Did Was, Were Past Continuous Was being, Were being Past Perfect Had Had been Simple Future Will, Shall Will be, Shall be Can, May, Must, etc Can, Must Can be, Must be
All Main Verb forms are changed to Third Form of Verb, i.e. Conversion Rule Chart (Main Verb) All Main Verb forms are changed to Third Form of Verb, i.e. Past Participle.
Active to Passive: - Conversion Rule (1) Affirmative Sentence Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb Object Subject Auxiliary Verb/ Auxiliary Verb + being/ Auxiliary Verb + been Main Verb 3rd Form By Object
Examples (1) - Affirmative Active Voice Passive Voice Swati eats apple. Engineer is repairing the computer Teacher is teaching mathematics. Batsman has hit the ball. Bird can feed upon the grains. Apple is eaten by Swati. Computer is being repaired by the Engineer. Ball has been hit by the batsman. The grains can be fed upon by the birds. 1 2 3 4 5
Active to Passive: - Conversion Rule (2) Interrogative Sentence ? Question Making Word Auxiliary Verb Subject Main Verb Object Question Making Word Auxiliary Verb Subject X/ being/ been Main Verb 3rd Form By Object ?
Examples (2) - Interrogative Active Voice Passive Voice Why Ramesh fight with Suresh? you? Do you eat Apple? Do you know my name? How he drives the car? Which book is she reading? Why Suresh is fought with by Ramesh? Is apple eaten by you? Is my name known to you? How the car is driven by him? Which book is being red by her? 2 3 4 5 1
Active to Passive: - Conversion Rule (3) Imperative Sentence Imperative Verb Object Let Object Be Imperative Verb 3rd Form
Examples (3) - Imperative Active Voice Passive Voice Open the door. Speak the truth. Don’t go that way. Respect your parents. Wash the cloths. Let the door be opened. Let the truth be spoken. Let you not go that way. Let your parents be respected. Let the cloths be washed. 4 5 1 2 3
Some special kind of sentences!! There are some special kind of sentences to know in this section. E.g.. Gulabjamun is Sweet, Food is hot, Water is cold, etc Active Gulabjamun is Sweet when tasted, Food is hot when touched, Water is cold when touched, etc Passive
When Passive can’t be made? Intransitive Verbs can not be used in Passive. This is because they don’t have objects. So there is nothing to become subject of the Passive Sentence. For example, with verbs like die or arrive.
How to recognize Active and Passive sentences Identify the subject of the sentence. Identify the action that the sentence identifies. Examine the relationship between the subject and verb. Does the subject perform the action of the verb? (If so, the sentence is active.) Does the subject sit there while something else -- named or unnamed -- performs an action on it? (If so, the sentence is passive.) Can't tell? If the main verb is a linking verb ("is," "was," "are," "seems," etc.), Then the verb functions like an equals sign; There is no action (either active or passive) involved – it merely describes a state of being.
Example to Identify The Active and Passive Sentences I love you. 1. subject: "I" 2. action: "loving" 3. relationship: The subject ("I") is the one performing the action ("loving"). This sentence is active. You are loved by me. 1. subject: "you" 3. relationship: The subject ("You") sits passively while the action ("loving") is performed by somebody else ("me"). This sentence is passive.
Some Questions for You Change the following sentences into Passive Voice….. I eat apple. He is talking with his friend. Dravid has hit the ball. The teacher had taken the class. Does Dheeraj play football? Why did you beat me? Don’t go that way. Open the door. Speak the truth. Students have washed the hand before their meal. Why do you pray the God? Has you completed the homework?
See the picture and Hint then make the Sentence In Active and Passive 2 3 1 4 Subject: - Sweeper Object – Floor Verb - Sweep Subject: - Saint Object – Man Verb - Teach Subject: - Father Object – Daughter Verb - Carry Subject: - Harris Object – Violin Verb - Play 5 7 8 6 Subject: - Suresh Object – Boll Verb - Bounce Subject: - Bike Object – Donald Verb - Steal Subject: - Girls Object – Tea Verb - Prepare Subject: - Batsman Object – Ball Verb - hit
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