EGovernment Resources Network & the Austrian e-Government Reference model Peter Reichstädter Austrian Federal Chancellery / Division of ICT-Strategy A-1014.


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Presentation transcript:

eGovernment Resources Network & the Austrian e-Government Reference model Peter Reichstädter Austrian Federal Chancellery / Division of ICT-Strategy A-1014 Vienna, Ballhausplatz 2 +43 1 53115 7477

Agenda Motivation Interoperability Reference Model - eGRN … into detail Conclusion - Future aspects

Strategy : Information Avoid duplication Enhance efficiency Allow transparency Information Administration Citizen Business

e-Government in Austria eGovernment act Security layer Identity link Delivery service ePayment eGovernment act Security layer Identity link Delivery service ePayment Directory services Electronical file system (Federation of) Portals PPP Styleguide Policies Modules for online applications (MOA) Registers

‘Typical’ E-Government process Forms Formular Styleguide New proceeding with electronic notification(s) Fill in Signature CitizenCard Electronic delivery payment/MOA E-Banking with eps 2 MOAs

The Austrian Approach System Integration - Interoperable communications architecture Coordinated among different levels of Government Crossing sectors Securing organisational, semantic and technical interoperability Providing the main building blocks centrally as open standards Running several Working Groups from government representatives at local, regional and federal level Coordinated by a lead WG (AG Kommarch) Open standards as a prerequisite Based on international standards (XML, Web Services, SOAP, etc.) Independent of platforms Coordinated development of organisational and technical specs

Austrian interoperability framework (AIF) Aufbau Historischer Zugang Ebenen und Einteilungen Teilnehmer und Untergruppen Inhalt

architectural model : and standardisation why : the architectural model reflects and implements the legal framework what : basic building blocks to enable a higher speed of implementation; services and structures that should not be left to the SW-vendor (e.g. for reasons of change management) measures taken : ABC-guide to eGovernment, quality seal, open source eGovernment 8

Projects … eID eInvoice eDelivery MOA –modules, …

Agenda Motivation Interoperability Reference Model - eGRN … into detail Conclusion - Future aspects


EU level? Portals? Partial overview of available eGov services designed with specific target or type of administration in mind difficult to sustain, relying heavily on manual “harvesting” of data from existing services Fine for partial views but not for overview Project (administration) specific organisation

Can you imagine today… Looking for goods or services without some reference plan or pointers (“Yellow Pages”)? Goods on sale without labels or lists of ingredients…? Scaling up requires standards… classification and terminology labelling visibility …as does any EU-level eGov resources network

If a Resources Network is to work… Needs to provide added value: offer clear, commonly agreed descriptions of eGovernment service components offer simple navigation through the maze of portals, services and sites that carry content offer mechanisms for cooperation: deliver better services through better “buying power” provide “high-street” visibility work across boundaries, whilst respecting existing national infrastructures

Resources are not the problem… No shortage of resources: plenty of projects under way most administrations have some eGov activities …even for the standards needed: OASIS, CEN, UN/CEFACT European Commission, Member States But impact is limited by focussing on single projects or objectives

Getting the ball rolling… Recognition of needs common terminology, common “catalogue” of eService components available Recognition of benefits economies of scale through cooperation foundation for cross-border eServices at policy-making level

The Collaboration Model The main lesson is: Resource sharing is often more about a willingness to cooperate and collaborate, than it is about the availability of actual resources to be shared. The main question is: Can we apply this model to the vast area of eGovernment resource sharing in Europe?

Providing added value A virtual network? eGovernment Framework Sustainablility Through Sharing eGovernment observatory Good Practice Awards Framework Re-usable components Common Specifications for Interoperability

Advantages No new project just a “new frame of mind”: a “reflex of collaboration” “label” and identify existing resources “anything” can go under the common banner Doesn’t solve all the problems itself, but makes them move visible easier to identify and manage more likely to be solved coherently Provides high-level oversight

What is missing … Structure and methodology in case of a broader coordination and communication Adequate and non-discriminatory service model in case of a large dissemination ?

Conclusion Identify your services Service descriptions & catalogues harmonisation don’t forget on syntactical and environmental aspects of interoperability – system integration is more than technical, semantical and organisational interoperability


Thank you for your attention Questions? Federal Chancellery / ICT-strategy Results and specifications available online (unfortunately only in German ☺, but we’re doing our best … )